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If You Weren't in the Car Wash Business...

After trade school I was a painter in an automotive body shop, and after a couple years I started my own shop back home, while joining my father on the family farm, and did both for several years. The car wash bug hit me at the age of 28.
If I could have committed to the time involved I would have liked to been a physical therapist.
I've seen some movies where there appears to be some pretty good perks for being a pizza delivery man, a pool boy, and a plumber. I think I could do all 3 if I didn't have car washes to worry about.
I have been usps contractor for 45 years and counting ,got my first wash on bank repo in 1988. As a side line was guiding hunters spring and fall. I would have stayed with outdoor recreation and added float rating to my license and worked in Alaska.
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Retired Air Force fighter guy that has been in real estate for 7 years and recently bought a 6/1 SS. Lots of work, but enjoying every minute of it! Funny, when I was a kid, I didn't dream of flying jets but always wanted a SS car wash!
Thank you for your service, and I’m glad you were able to realize your childhood dream in the SS industry!
How to advertise a car wash? Banners and banners are installed on the roads near the car wash. Or in places where there are traditionally traffic jams. In traffic jams, you can organize the distribution of flyers and leaflets. If they contain an offer discount, the effectiveness will increase. Of course, it makes no sense to create ads in the long-playing traffic on the other side of town. Drivers should quickly and easily get to the car wash. Ideally - easy to turn off the road and get into your caring hands. Business cards and flyers on a netting basis can be distributed at gas stations and service stations. Contact Sphere IT. They will help you to promote your business.
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Wash4Life & others,

This may make me sound like an "out of touch elitist" & for certain deservedly described as an "in denial about my soon to 70 age (current physical attributes???)" That "river in africa syndrome" ... famous lawrence welk's yah yah you know! Maybe i could get a high paying job being a referee at one of those dem der tournaments. A dear uncle of mine (over 50 years of also being a golden gloves boxing coach) was a referee at a large number of "golden gloves" & "olympic events" internationally. Soooo ... maybe not totally far fetched??? Not sure how much he was remunerated financially though...

This morning in our local mainstream (out of state mega corporation owned newspaper) sports page had the below linked article:

Wowie Wowie Wowie ... $50,000 in prize money ... follow da da da money. I honestly (proof can be provided) did place 1st place (men's division) in at least one of those USTA Open Tournaments back in the day. Realistically ... I do need to along with others consider the reality of the "passage of time" ...

I personally think that some people including the media ... are following the USA-Guyana person's kool-aid (Jim Jones) on that prize money mindset ... I am suspicious ... the promoters might have access to some of the Federal Reserve (Biden & Pelozi's printing press) or worse yet CCP's "for serious" proposed digital currency (Yuan Potential Future Dominance)???
I decided and give up the family business. There were such cases, and I thought that everything should go according to plan, but it did not go according to plan. So I became a doctor who helps my parents in the family business. You know all the difficult patients by heart. And it doesn't matter that I earn the average salary of $82,750; it's important that now I help people feel that my life has gained meaning. I think that wait should do what he feels he should do, and only then will we be able to achieve many global goals.
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