Shoot a copy to me as well if you don't mind.
Interesting points. My local sales tax is 5% (no state sales tax) and I remit it on everything - car wash kiosk, vacuum and
vending. So all my prices include sales tax. I’ve thought about what I would do if a senior citizen said he was tax exempt and didn’t want to pay. I figure I’d have to manually account for it which would be a headache - or send them to the city to try to get it back from there with their receipts.
In Alaska everything comes by barge through Seattle. Lots of vendors don’t want to mess with shipping quotes to here but readily can quote price to Seattle. We used to be able to buy things shipped to a common carrier in Seattle without sales tax being charged. But then Washington politicians changed the rules where they charge it and then once a year I can claim a refund on the state portion but not county piece of it. Have never done it so I guess I’m paying to subsidize Washington roads and/or indoctrinate child public education.