The much-hyped economic problems have given the do-gooders great license to perform the social engineering they've lusted after for decades.
A few days ago, our President angrily told Wall Street that this .... "is not the time for profits and bonuses." Yesterday, our Vice President upped the ante by publicly stating that he wanted to throw the bonus recipients into jail. The President's spokesperson even commented that the President was "really angry" and was surprised at that since .... "he never gets that way ......."
In all of history, I don't ever recall a prior instance where a President told a private company when it was or was not, a "proper time" for profits and bonuses. The naked admission of wanting to jail such folks is frightening.
Has it come time in America to hide money and assets? And, if this is the result, will the stampede to do this actually compound the problems that the do-gooders claim to want to fix?
A few days ago, our President angrily told Wall Street that this .... "is not the time for profits and bonuses." Yesterday, our Vice President upped the ante by publicly stating that he wanted to throw the bonus recipients into jail. The President's spokesperson even commented that the President was "really angry" and was surprised at that since .... "he never gets that way ......."
In all of history, I don't ever recall a prior instance where a President told a private company when it was or was not, a "proper time" for profits and bonuses. The naked admission of wanting to jail such folks is frightening.
Has it come time in America to hide money and assets? And, if this is the result, will the stampede to do this actually compound the problems that the do-gooders claim to want to fix?
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