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Is it time to start hiding money and assets?


Sep 19, 2007
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Pat, quit sucking up its not any fun and you are starting to sound like a libertarian. Old age tends to do that to people.

Why do you continue to Bush bash on this issue? Whack on (no pun intended) Barney Frank a while. He was the main men protecting fannie. Congress holds hearings into all this stuff so your main criticism should be directed to them. Lenders did not get stupid until the government started buy the junk.

And you opt out feature is funny. Dear social security, I have planned for my own retirement so I will not need any welfare payments when I am 65. You can have what I put in but I am not sending anymore. Thanks, Cebo. I bet this would work good.


AKA Duane H- 3 bay SS
Sep 2, 2007
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Class warfare & Pay Controls

The President has announced pay control for executives, and class warfare has definitely begun. Where were pay controls for union bosses?

Let's see-- the President and Speaker of the House have the most luxurious private jets on the planet. These private jets, which fly them and their families hundreds of thousands of miles, are not paid from monies freely earned (as with the auto execs and others) but instead by taxes which wrest money away from largely unwilling contributors-- usually and disproportionally the wealthy. The President and Speaker get these perks tax free.

Then, they demonize private companies who own jets for use as business tools or as perks to attract the best and brightest executives. Since the Prez and Speaker preside over the most inefficient and money-wasting enterprise on the planet (The Fed. Govt), is it hypocritical to behave as they are? Since my taxes paid "bail out" the Federal Government, can I demand that they get rid of their jets just as they are demanding with companies wanting bailout funds?

At a $400k annual salary, plus just the single perk of Air Force One, the President now exceeds his own $500k salary cap of those in the private workplace. I don't advocate the President of the U.S. flying on commercial airlines-- but isn't this sheer hypocrisy?

And, in my humble opinion, I'd rather see Pelosi ride a Shetland pony. Or maybe a goat.