Or you could build your own for a lot less $$$ and inject washer fluid instead of using antifreeze....My sewer rates quadrupled in the past few years. I pay about $18 per 1000 gallons for both....$5 for water and $13-14 for sewage. So having a blowdown-injection system on all 8 LP hoses has saved me thousands from not having to weep water. I used less than 75 gallons of washer fluid last winter...About $100 worth...Take a look at this one. http://polarfreezeguard.com/Home_Page.html How much does your total water/sewer bill run a month? What of car wash are you running?
A lot of good information in this thread if you have ambition...
Programmable Relay or PLC
Would there be interest to share PLC or Programmable Relay programs and Knowledge here on the forum? I don’t want to step on any toes... That’s why I would like opinions as to whether this would be Politically Correct on the forum or not. I have an Idec Controller coming that I am going to use...