I totally forgot about an even better one.
In my early 20's, I had a trunk full of trash in my MGB. (Ok, a small car so not a huge amount of trash.)
Driving around, I found a really nice little office building on a quiet street. I pulled around and did the dirty deed-- putting all my trash in the dumpster.
Twenty years later, I was at work in my office when I decided it was time to empty my small wastebasket of trash. I walked to the back of the office building, which I now owned and .... wham .... it hit me. I now owned and worked in the exact same building where I had twenty years ago started my career as a wannabe trash dumper.
Finally, to complete the story, a couple of years after that I came to work one day to find what looks like the rear axle of a car dumped behind my building. I just smiled-- I wouldn't have prosecuted even if I had a license number and video.