Zip-tie engineer
Just bought 3 junk car washes from a bank and are working on fixing them up - so I have no history of what happened. The A4000 controllers were not in the J0 box, but I found a box of 5 controllers in the equipment room - one an a5000 (handwritten 'bad' on it), one an a3000, and the rest a4000s. I put pieces together and now have two (I think) functional a4000 units (some keypads and displays were swapped). The problem is that I can't force any outputs on modules 1 or 3 (the top two). I can, however, force any of the 2nd and 4th module outputs. Input modules 1 and 2 both are working fine. I have swapped module bases(the connection under the output modules), and replaced output cards - still nothing. Is there something I don't know about configuring the amount and location of the output modules to the controller? Could both controllers be defective in the same way? I hate to buy another controller for 10 million dollars just to have the same thing happen... Also, could updating the software somehow fix this...?