Have a Laser 4000 issue, arch prox replaced due to failure, x32 not lite in jo however jo reads wash bay in use, reset enable still same rebooted still same issue any thoughts out there?
I have a PDQ laser wash overglow problem where the foam is not coming down in a “blanket” fashion like it is supposed to and instead is breaking in different places instead of a solid “sheet” of foam coming down. Does anyone have a remedy for that? Thanks!
I have a PDQ laser wash overglow problem where the foam is not coming down in a “blanket” fashion like it is supposed to and instead is breaking in different places instead of a solid “sheet” of foam coming down. Does anyone have a remedy for that? Thanks!
I have a PDQ laser wash overglow problem where the foam is not coming down in a “blanket” fashion like it is supposed to and instead is breaking in different places instead of a solid “sheet” of foam coming down. Does anyone have a remedy for that? Thanks!
Why do operators waste time with that stupid a$$ set-up? They only come down in blanket fashion the first day and then are tweaked into infinity. Set it up to come down in streams like a rain bar and be done with it. I doubt that any customer gives two squirts about the silly, broken, sheet of foam.
I have a PDQ laser wash overglow problem where the foam is not coming down in a “blanket” fashion like it is supposed to and instead is breaking in different places instead of a solid “sheet” of foam coming down. Does anyone have a remedy for that? Thanks!
IB is right is is very difficult to get this adjusted and some have just swapped to a rain bar type foam setup.
In my IBA, the chemical strength has got to be just right. if the foam gets too rich it comes down in thick foamy strings, and if it gets too lean it will comes down in thin watery strings. I don't really play with air adjustments, I can almost always fix the problem by changing tips on my injector ( I tend to change chemistry a lot). Even when right, a slight breeze can break the sheet up. One cheat I have done is just do it from the back of the car to the front.all that foam comes off the top of the car onto the windshield and from the driver's perspective looks like a solid sheet.