A local chemical supplier wanted to use my site to test blendco and I agreed to a trial. He set it up yesterday and we washed a few cars. We started out at 35 drops. At that strength it is not cleaning as well as I hoped. We cranked it up a bit more and I'm going to be watching it this weekend. I have been told that you can increase the alkalinity as high as you're willing, but I'm sure cost is an issue at one point.
I'm curious to what you guys are running, both alkalinity and surfactant wise, to get the results you desire. Also, is there just a point where it just is too cost prohibitive to go any higher on the alkalinity?
I guess I'm looking for that sweet spot where I'm cleaning well, but my jaw won't drop when we do cost calcs.
Tire cleaner numbers also appreciated........
Thanks in advance
I'm curious to what you guys are running, both alkalinity and surfactant wise, to get the results you desire. Also, is there just a point where it just is too cost prohibitive to go any higher on the alkalinity?
I guess I'm looking for that sweet spot where I'm cleaning well, but my jaw won't drop when we do cost calcs.
Tire cleaner numbers also appreciated........
Thanks in advance