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Marketing Ideas?


Formerly Mikes Express. Around for ages and made wash books an art form. Of course, books in general have been eclipsed by technology underpinnings.

If unlimited is added to full-service, self-serve or in-bay, it requires modest capital investment. BOGO is less expensive to implement as “attribute of loyalty rewards” program.

Admittedly, if someone is BTO conveyor with unlimited, BOGO may not be attractive at all.

However, what happens to thousands of unlimited members if existing wash or new wash offers members-only; $100 annual fee. That’s $8.33 a month.

I believe this would make most unlimited plans a very tough sell. Just the same if someone decided to compete on cost, $3.00 carwash.

“I just choose….most beneficial and rewarding for me. I have customers that still want wash books. I won't sell them anymore. Why? bc they aren't as profitable unlimited plans.”

Flip phones aren’t as profitable as smart phones but they still make them. Why? Because there is still a generation that doesn’t text, surf internet or share photos.

“If that customer doesn't want my unlimited plan….then he pays me for each and every wash at full price.”

On the other hand, the consumer might also decide to go somewhere else.

If employees can’t be taught, the employees are wrong because the training is available.

Over time, I’ve learned that more isn’t necessary better. I would much rather pay one good person $20 an hour than $10 an hour for two hamburger flippers.

This reminds me of Bud Abraham. Bud recommends that detail start-ups should not hire experienced detailers. Instead, hire the best people and train them your way.
It's kind of funny that you reference a car wash and how they made books an art form. But when you click on their website, the first thing that smacks you in the face is UNLIMITED WASH PLANS. It doesnt take a hamburger flipper to know this is more profitable then books are for Mike's.

"However, what happens to thousands of unlimited members if existing wash or new wash offers members-only; $100 annual fee. That’s $8.33 a month."

Do you always speak in hypotheticals? A fictitious members only wash where the pay-as-you-go customer gets turned away? Seems like you are reaching here to play devil's advocate. Such a nonsensical way to try to argue your point.

“If that customer doesn't want my unlimited plan….then he pays me for each and every wash at full price.”
On the other hand, the consumer might also decide to go somewhere else.

Of course the customer could leave. But thats the calculated risk you take.
Every paying customer is worth ~$50 to me yearly. ($12.50 x 4 washes annually)
Every Unlimited Customer is worth $300 to me yearly ($25 x 12 months)

If I lose a paying customer bc I don't sell something that he specifically wants to buy(i.e books), then all I have to do to replace his lost yearly revenue is sell 1 more unlimited plan and have that person only stay a member for 2 months. Since the average unlimited member stay on the program for about 4.5 months, you make more revenue from a member than as a pay-as-you-go customer.

Every paying customer that I convert to a membership increases my revenue $250.00. And I never have to "sell" them again on anything and hope they buy another book. I never have to worry about them washing somewhere else. I never have to worry about rainy saturdays ruining my weekend and making $0.00.

Books are the flip phone.
Unlimited membership is the smart phone.
I said "made" as in the past, you know, as in years ago.

"Do you always speak in hypotheticals? A fictitious members only wash where the pay-as-you-go customer gets turned away? Seems like you are reaching here to play devil's advocate. Such a nonsensical way to try to argue your point."

I didn't make it up.


Which leads me back to your general question.

Why are you searching for marketing ideas because you apparently found the golden fleece?
If I lose a paying customer bc I don't sell something that he specifically wants to buy(i.e books), then all I have to do to replace his lost yearly revenue is sell 1 more unlimited plan and have that person only stay a member for 2 months. Since the average unlimited member stay on the program for about 4.5 months, you make more revenue from a member than as a pay-as-you-go customer.

Do you know what happens to the customer when they stop the unlimited membership? Do they stay with you as a customer paying as they go?
This isn't 100%, but most people leave the unlimited for 1 of 4 reasons:

They move
They can't afford the monthly fee/or dont use enough to justify the cost
They don't want a recurring charge anymore
They take a few months off for the summer and return in the colder months

I don't lose many people bc of the way I wash a car. I have many customers who are have tried my monthly plan, are not a member anymore and have not removed my RFID windshield sticker and still wash with me.

As my overall volume has naturally increased with membership, my pay-as-you-go services have also increased, so yes, the customer does generally stay with you after membership. They obviously aren't as profitable but they do seem to be staying as customers
I said "made" as in the past, you know, as in years ago.

"Do you always speak in hypotheticals? A fictitious members only wash where the pay-as-you-go customer gets turned away? Seems like you are reaching here to play devil's advocate. Such a nonsensical way to try to argue your point."

I didn't make it up.


Which leads me back to your general question.

Why are you searching for marketing ideas because you apparently found the golden fleece?

a hypothetical is a situation that hasnt happened yet. Ken Brott's idea of a membership only car wash MAY BE IN THE FUTURE. We aren't there yet. I don't like to guess and see what may happen. Since that video is only 6 years old, maybe his mindset has changed a little in the better part of a decade.

Anyone have any good marketing ideas that have really increased tunnel volume/revenue besides the obvious winners(unlimited membership plans, free vacuums, rev-share like groupon). Looking for some outside the box ideas(that have worked) to bring in some more traffic.

also really helpful to hear about the ideas that failed but not looking for the usual duds (punch cards, wash books, ladies day, early bird, 48 hour rain guarantees etc).


Unlimited is my golden fleece, but since you didn't understand my initial post, I was looking for ways to bring in more traffic so I can sell my golden fleece to customers. Free vaccums is a big draw that will bring in more traffic so I can sell unlimited plans. Groupon is a way to bring in more traffic so I can sell unlimited plans.

Someone suggested register receipts as a traffic builder.

Just bc I have a golden fleece that works well for me, doesn't mean I should stop growing my biggest revenue generator. I'm always looking for ways to increase the membership clubs. Seasoned operators have done some really unorthodox things(gorilla outfits, free super bowl champ eagles washes), hopefully someone has tried something that I haven't even thought of and has been wildly successful at it. As equally important, someone may have tried something that completely bombed and can save me the headache of figuring it out myself.

Thats why I'm searching for marketing ideas.
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“Since that video is only 6 years old, maybe his mindset has changed a little in the better part of a decade.”

It took a lot longer than this to create the institution necessary to support express format and unlimited washing that provides operators with so much.

Once markets saturate with express, and they will just like fast food, it will be a lot easier to convince the array of players needed to develop prototype.

The principal reason is homogenization. After all, there isn’t much difference between one express and another except for name, style, color scheme, size.

Whatever you do, the guy across the street can easily match (equipment, chemical, prices, advertising, etc.). Exception is consolidator that is large enough to enjoy scale economies that mom and pop can’t.
Jerry why are you arguing over a concept that has been in our industry for some time now and most if not all of us conveyor operators understand it?
You have not created the wheel.
If there becomes a way for self serv operators to be able to capitalize on this concept it will be known rather quickly here and slowly
(to work out the kinks) be adapted to the self serv industry as the credit card has.
But arguing over this instead of having an useful dialog/ideas doesn’t prove anything.
Most operators don’t understand it. That’s why most operators are not doing unlimited memberships. Instead they sell less profitable books etc. I started this thread to get marketing ideas. You’re confusing threads talking about self serve here. Someone hijacked the thread and tried to point out that a BOGO offer will attract mass people. I’ve yet to see that happen where a wash owner marketed BOGO and the customers came in droves.

Not sure where you think I’ve stated that I created anything. I just asked for ideas on how to drive traffic using uncommon ways. Then you asked why I don’t offer both unlimited and a BOGO/books. I was just responding to your question.
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Jerry you’re correct in my confusing the two threads.
I believe that one of the reasons that operators are reluctant to go the “unlimited car wash” route is not that they do not understand the concept but more because of cost to implement said concept.
For many of us we’ve seen a slew of concepts that was going to revolutionize our industry only to see them peter out over time.
Exterior car washes, “Free” IBA’s at gas stations, self service car washes, etc. were all going to blow away either the the full service car washes and/or self services car washes.
I believe it what our saying but...
I just wish that an actual Express operator would post a yrs. worth of actual sales vs. getting stats from the manufacture’s or distributors I know that’s to much to ask.

I’ve spoken to at least 5 dozen operators over the last 2 years about membership.(two companies use me as a reference)
The majority do not understand what membership will do for their tunnel. I would be happy to speak with you(or anyone) about what’s holding them back from starting a membership program. I have an unlimited amount of real stats(pun intended) that I’d be happy to share, just not in a public forum. Feel free to PM anytime and I’ll gladly pass along my phone number.