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Mars into Hamilton

Make sure the purple wire in the jumper socket has good continuity and is making contact in the receptacle.
Success. Checked continiuty of the brown and black/white wires from the card edge connector through the bypass plug and back to the card edge connector. Looked good so I powered it up and the rest is history. Must have had a little crud in some connection. Hadn't been disturbed in about 9 years.

Thanks to all for your help,
Observed a minor inconvenience today. I filled out a new programming coupon so I could have 1 way bill acceptance like we have always had with the Hamilton.
Now the thing only accept bills backwards from the picture on the front of the changer. ?????????????

How do I fix this?

Why in the world would you just set it for one-way acceptance:confused:? Fill out the coupon for four-way acceptance and the sign on the machine will be irrelevant.
change to Mars from XE's ASAP

Hello, my first post. I just recently bought a new ss wash. This forum has helped me so much and I thank all on here with the knowledge and experience, and hope that I can also one day know a smidge of what some of you guys know.

Heres my dilemma, I have 2 Hamiltons, XE I believe, and Im getting strung every week since Ive owned the thing (2 months). The previous owner tells me that they can try but will lose their money if I keep the stacker off. His reasoning is that when the money clears the wheels there is no way one can pull it back out. He has done this for the last 9 years. Sometimes I come in and find a 5bill scrunched up inside the validator, so im thinking he is right that they cant do it without the stacker. Well the other day I come in and my box has no bills and the hopper is half empty. The light is blinking a 1.7 code, I think its the back sensor code, so now Im convinced that it is possible and that he and I are paying for this bastards meth habit. We changed out XE's when we were getting strung and it stopped them cold.
Question. Does the Mars conversion eliminate this crap completely or have they found ways to get that one too? Is it simple to convert? Any drilling or does it fit as is? Thanks for any insight.
I changed to Mars from XE's 7 years ago...never lost one coin since the switch. Before that, was strung 2-3 times a month with the XE's. Until Hamilton decides to radically change thier validator's, they will always be a target... doesn't matter which version from which year HV II HV 7 HVX XE STA they're all bad
Wayne J said:
Now the thing only accept bills backwards from the picture on the front of the changer. ?????????????
You don't; that's just the way the Mars accepts bills "one way". I set them for two-way, face-up only except for the bays which are 4-way. Only one in 100 bills are face-down.

Your customers will be a lot happier if you set it for at least two-way.
You can get a sorting counter for about $1,200. You'll have to run all the bills through multiple times because as it faces and sorts it can only off-sort whatever denomination is not selected and whichever bills aren't face-up, but if your time is more valuable it might be something to consider.