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Modding an "Old" Mark VII Pump Stand

yeah...a closer look at the photo shows the Erie valve outlet is already bushed down from 3/4" NPT to 1/2" x 1/2" hose barb...that clear braided hose. So, no change needed in water supply to pump...size wise.

I guess I mis-remembered?
What I just did with a Mark VII pump stand was to eliminate the Erie valve set-up completely. I removed both of the big PVC manifolds and the switching valve altogether. It cleaned it up and got rid of a ton of unneeded parts. I ran a seperate feed hose from the tank to each pump, but you could build a manifold if you wanted to. I made a bracket/fitting thingy for the soap and wax to feed into, out of a coupler and strip of flat stainless. If I get a chance I'll snap a picture.

I've never had a need for the hot/cold switching since my water heaters already had provisions for it. On the side of my heaters there is a switch labeled ON/OFF. If I want cold water I use the OFF position.
When you heat water - You heat water for all HP functions? A photo would be real nice!
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And, control the entire FB system with an FL1E and 3 FL1B expansions...
IF WM O2 is ON...delay switch input for 3 seconds (to prevent switch spinners from filling the protected plumbing).

An "elegant" program could eliminate the 2nd bank of air solenoids for the FB secret weapon??? Hummm.

So....An "Elegant" program would also eliminate one of those (3) FL1B expansions?
When you heat water - You heat water for all HP functions? A photo would be real nice!

That's what I do. One water tank with 8 outlet ports and 1/2" hose to each pump.

Although, your boiler is likely too small to provide consistantly warm water wash/rinse/wax on busy days.

Is your foam gun dispensing foaming wax? If so, then the boiler is getting closer to handling the high demand days.
Hey 2Biz…
I have the "elegant solution" for your 4 bays!

Remove the ABO solenoids from the foam gun system (and use them for WW on your FB system)
Add 1 exmod and rewire the FG I/O to the controller
Air solenoids now serve as Air assist AND ABO
2 or 3 second delayed start if WM O2 is on.

Same controller will work for FB system
Just rewire I/O, add the salvaged solenoid bank

I finally got around to replumbing my Old Mark VII Pump Stand...Before:


New Pump Stand Plumbing, Float Tanks, Mix Tanks, and New High Efficiency Hot Water Heater. BTW, the new heater is sweet!




2Biz, Your improvements look real good. You should be able o get lot more mileage out of that old pump stand now. How's that new Hot water heater working? Keeping up with demand? Is there a price increase on the horizon?
When I turned the power on for the first time, I had 120° water in 5 minutes or less. I increased temp to 130°, it took less than a minute to get there. This 55 gallon water heater is like having a 199K BTU demand heater with a 55 gallon storage/backup tank. It has 5 levels of modulating from about 30K btu all the way up to 199K btu. Since the initial startup, I’ve never heard it heat the water above the lowest setting…

In the beginning, I had it turned up to 130° and tried to temper the water from the cold supply. It didn’t work too good, so I just turned the heater down to 100° and let it fill the float tank without tempering. 1st hour recovery with a 50° temperature rise is 436 gallons an hour. There is no way I should ever run out of hot water.

This type of heater is a very good alternative to a boiler and about 1/2 the price. Including an all stainless steel tank...1" supply and 1" outlet fittings. It also has fittings/provisions for space heating.

Price increase? Absolutely!
Thanks for the water heater update. How much of a price increase are you thinking about? Have you given any thoughts on installing a couple of Crypto-pay card readers at the same time you do the price increase? I know the price fixing police are watching so we'd better be careful.
I've thought about it, but that's about as far as I get! I need to get my arms wrapped around this upgrade before starting another project. I need a break!

I think we're far from price fixing! Did you see the "Truck Wash" thread that Mjwalsh started? $375 to wash a semi! We're light years away from that!