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Monex Group

I'm taking my Monex devices OUT!!!
They take credit, credit/debit but not debit card only. Debit only cards are processed like a check. Monex/Kiosoft and John Farriuga will send you emails they will call you the next day but don't. It is my opinion they just need customers for R&D until they get it figured out, if they figure it out. I have 35-70 customers per month we run their debit card with our Apple Terminal. Just remember anyone you meet at the ICA is just renting a booth. The ICA does NOT vet vendors or monitor complaints, they are booth rental company only.
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Finally finished with Monex paid my $250.00 cancellation fee. I'm only out $3,500.00 and two years down the drain. 🎉
Interesting to hear about “debit only” cards. In all honesty the only people I saw with issues paying with debit cards, were people whose cards were declined for inadequate funds. This is bc mine were count up and had a $20 preauthorization.

Best of luck with whatever cc solution you implement.
I talked to a few banks there are some that still process their debit cards like a check, mostly small banks. Monex doesn't support these cards. Monex tried to convince me of the same thing (no funds) until I found out otherwise. As you will read in my other post these cards would approve with Apple Terminal but not Monex. Monex would not even read the card there was no decline. We swiped their cards for $5 with Apple Terminal and gave them a wash token. Some months I had up to 70 customers. We kept track of customers and banks gave information to KioSoft. In the beginning they played dumb. After some time Monex and KioSoft went silent. This put me over any chance of any refund. I was using IDX pay stations with Monex but IDX was able to force approval. The only way to get them to work correctly in SS bays was to have their system in every SS bay not cost effective. I have changed to Nayax, they have gone out of their way to make sure everything is working correctly and have encouraged me to call with any problems unlike Monex who went radio silent.