I used a company called "audi-bill" one time when I owned a fast food restaurant. Same deal, they check your bills to see if they could save you money. I signed up. The deal was they get 50% of any instant savings, and 50% of the next five years savings. Turns out I was on the wrong electric rate. I was due a $7000 refund, and saved $12,000 over the next five years. I had to split both amounts with them. I was ****ed at myself because this was something I could have checked into myself--very easily. Live and learn.
At one of my car wash sites the municipality uses demand to set the rate class. In my case I needed a 50kW demand for two months to be moved from commercial to industrial rate, which is cheaper. So for one day, two months in a row, I went and turned everything on withing 15 minutes. This got the demand to just over 50, which moved my rate lower. This rate would then be set for 12 months. I did this three years in a row. I have since added a second iba, so the demand is 50 or over most months. But the end result during those years was that my net savings was $2000 per year, over what the normal commercial rate would have been. Neat, huh?