Thanks for all the advice. I messed with it this morning and got the flow switch to kick on when the pump was running. I ended up putting a longer paddle on the flow switch and that, combined with a partially open bypass made it work. I did try a longer paddle initially, but had not opened the bypass any at the time. I also diluted the glycol some.
Anyhow, now on to the next possible issue. It seems my stats are backward. I don't mind if they work, but my circ pump seems to keep cutting on and off whether the stat is telling the boiler to fire or not. I'm wondering if it's overheating and shutting off, or if it's because I'm testing it with the temp outside at 65 degrees?
For my stats, the top one is labeled "on" and has the temp probe running to the outside. The bottom stat is labeled "off" and has the temp probe running to the return line. It's the pipe to the left of the bypass in the photo. The pipe covered in duct tape all the way to the left. The probe is closer to the wall, right before the nipple that is pointing to the ceiling.
If the bottom stat is below the outside ambient temperature, it will kick the boiler on as long as the top stat is set to a temp warmer than the glycol temp. Seems to be backwards, but that's the only way it works. The circ pump kicks one regardless of the stat settings as long as the switch on the boiler is on, but just keep cycling on and off. Any way that's normal?