My $15 per month internet solution for CryptoPay

With internet, you get what you pay for. Uncle Tom and some other analysts trashed Straight Talk and rate it very low. Only attribute or benefit I see is somewhat less cost.

DIY online business card starts at about $10. This includes business name, phone, address, one sided, two colors, and stock paper.

My A/C guy’s business card is laminated like a plastic credit card, two-sided, multi-colored, logo, website, e-mail, accreditations, license number, etc.

Fancy card cost more but which one is going to make a better impression and hold up longer so it can be past on for a referral?

When it comes to internet it always pays to buy the best. Don’t your customers deserve it?
I bought an expensive Hotspot, never hooked it up. I had to switch to DSL, cause of hooking up w/ C-Store. Anyone wants my HitSpot can buy it for CHEAP
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My hotspot I run in multiple locations for over 2 years now and have had to reset one only one time so as far as what I'm using it for it's working great.
With internet, you get what you pay for. Uncle Tom and some other analysts trashed Straight Talk and rate it very low. Only attribute or benefit I see is somewhat less cost.

"Somewhat..." $15 a month is about 10% of what most broadband providers' base services cost.

What are analysts rating it for? Short bursts of small data packets? Or are you/they comparing apples to oranges?

I recommended this setup to someone for Cryptopay and he says it has been flawless.
I have to reset my straight talk hotspot every month, right around the monthly renewal date of my service (but it's not like "clockwork"). Crytopay sends me a site down alarm email that occurs 24 hours after loss of contact. So nonce a month I'm theoretically vulnerable until I reset. Otherwise, no problems.
With internet, you get what you pay for. Uncle Tom and some other analysts trashed Straight Talk and rate it very low. Only attribute or benefit I see is somewhat less cost.

DIY online business card starts at about $10. This includes business name, phone, address, one sided, two colors, and stock paper.

My A/C guy’s business card is laminated like a plastic credit card, two-sided, multi-colored, logo, website, e-mail, accreditations, license number, etc.

Fancy card cost more but which one is going to make a better impression and hold up longer so it can be past on for a referral?

When it comes to internet it always pays to buy the best. Don’t your customers deserve it?

I totally disagree about getting what you pay for. At lease in some instances. Take carwash parts for example. There can be a big difference in pricing depending where you shop and the part comes from the same manufacture. In my area internet alone cost $50 - $60 a month and they usually want you to purchase a package that includes a phone plan. If straight talk will do the same thing for $15 I'm in. Especially if the only thing you need internet for is credit card readers.
“If straight talk will do the same thing for $15 I'm in. Especially if the only thing you need internet for is credit card readers.”

I guess if that is all your needs are.

However, needs commonplace today are HD surveillance, responsive website, shopping basket, phone app, remote monitoring, social media, etc.
2 guys have asked me about buying my Hotspot. Text is BEST 409)200-4667 (hoop), as I coach/teach all day / night.
Mine is a Hotspot, so you don't even pay $15/no for internet's!
forgot, I also have the router, which was also never used. You need the router. After you set this up, you do NOT even pay the $15/mo. If you have 4G LTE in your area, the Hotspot/Router both use it for free.
However, needs commonplace today are HD surveillance, responsive website, shopping basket, phone app, remote monitoring, social media, etc.

This is a thread about using a $15/month hotspot for Cryptopay processing. What you are doing here is called trolling. It is childish and unwelcome.
We still have the hotspot setup, and it's been working fantastic since I started this thread. We also have the hotspot setup for a laundromat we run as well that has Cryptopay.

Did have to reset it once in a while by unplugging everything and plugging it back in (Maybe once a month). Eventually I just hooked the hotspot, Cryptopay controller, and wireless bridge to a cheap timer I got at walmart that shuts them all off around midnight for a minute or two, and then turns them back on. Since then, I can't remember the last time I physically touched the setup haha. Works like a charm.
This is a thread about using a $15/month hotspot for Cryptopay processing. What you are doing here is called trolling. It is childish and unwelcome.

You aren't the only one who reads comments. Many folks who visit this site never post anything, just read. Ever consider some comments are direct to them via opportunity created by myopic perspective.
You aren't the only one who reads comments. Many folks who visit this site never post anything, just read. Ever consider some comments are direct to them via opportunity created by myopic perspective.

In other words, you're just posting for the purposes of drumming up business. Got it.
2 guys asked me about my HotSpot. You can have it & the router that is needed, for half what I paid. They are brand new NEVER used.
but do NOT PM me on here. text 409)200-4667 if at all possible. If not, call 7:30am---10:30 am CST
Whew, my nine month old hotspot quit working yesterday. Almost two hours on the phone with straight talk yesterday being sent from tech to tech. The next time I have problems I'll just go pick up a new hotspot at Walmart and create a new account.
I did this set up with a Verizon hot spot. I already had an account so cost of adding hotspot was comparable to straight talk. However, it disconnects if there is no activity after a day or two. Very frustrating.
Randy, your IT guy is right. Definitely not enough bandwidth to use for remote video monitoring, but it's more than enough for just simple credit card processing. We currently use this setup with 5 swipers (4 bay swipers and one goldline swiper), and plan to add 7 more (4 vac swipers and 3 vending swipers).

Insurance paid $20k, 4 years ago, to put in a GoldLine +, & guy didn't wanna pay a little extra for DSL. So, now I'm stuck w/ DIAL UP!
Question: DO I have to add the D.A.N. system to go to hi speed, or could I just use this Mobile HotSpot technique?