Well this should upset a lot of people. Saw in the paper today that we are supposed to be aware of AIDS today, and do something about it. So I thought I would come up with a way to eradicate it. Yes, you read that correctly. I know how to stop this in its tracks. And it's not that hard to do. Remember that AIDS is a behaviorally spread disease. You won't get it by rotten luck or by chance, or by being in a crowed elevator,say like cancer, the flu, or measles. You get it by having sex with many different people, sometimes by anal sex. You can also get it by sharing needles with infected people. Simply stop that behavior and it will go away in a generation. No spending millions or billions on research and programs. Overweight people are ridiculed because their eating behavior causes problems. Why aren't the majority of AIDS infected people ridiculed for their bad behavior? No we have to have a special day for them , maybe even some marches to show we care.