I'm getting ready to make the purchase of new credit card readers (swipe, chip, & tap) for my 8 SS bays. I've been using the Mercury Payment System from Carolina Pride and its been great for 10+ years. Unfortunately they sold off the software to a company in Canada called Spiffy Wash Systems and it is no longer supported by CP. We constantly have software crashes, etc. and Spiffy is nonresponsive to our call. My customers are getting frustrated. At the ICA show in Nashville, we checked out both Crypto Pay as well as the Nayax equipment. I'm leaning towards Nayax because the readers handle all three methods (swipe, chip, tap) with one box. I've done a search on both here and read most of the posts. Some folks back in 2019/20 were having terrible luck with Nayax from readers getting wet and locking up, poor customer service when they called in, etc. That was a few years ago, and I'm wondering if anyone can give an update on more recent installs, and if the same problems are still present.
Thanks in advance.
Thanks in advance.