2.5M MSA
250K within 5 miles
$1M land price/1.75 acres/but tight
Building envelope 335’x75’
20k cars/day traffic
ingress/egress 4-lane undivided w/turn lane
400’ from 4-way intersection
Nearest tunnel 3.5 miles w/ $25 avg wash
Four full seasons
Owner office on-site full time
SBA 504/7a combo
120+ ft tunnel with vacuums
Current bias is Sonny’s
Hand wipedown at finish
12 hrs/day, 6 days/wk
30 cars/hr
20 days/month
$20 mean ticket price
$3M total price for build
My stupidity/ignorance/assumptions
How many employees @ what rate?
Technician employee onsite?
Chemical monthly costs?
Insurance premiums?
Utilities cost?
How many service days/year for maintenance?
Plenty of Known Unknowns…but I‘m certain there is plenty I’m missing.
Any/all advice would be helpful. Thick skin, so fire away.
Thank you in advance.
2.5M MSA
250K within 5 miles
$1M land price/1.75 acres/but tight
Building envelope 335’x75’
20k cars/day traffic
ingress/egress 4-lane undivided w/turn lane
400’ from 4-way intersection
Nearest tunnel 3.5 miles w/ $25 avg wash
Four full seasons
Owner office on-site full time
SBA 504/7a combo
120+ ft tunnel with vacuums
Current bias is Sonny’s
Hand wipedown at finish
12 hrs/day, 6 days/wk
30 cars/hr
20 days/month
$20 mean ticket price
$3M total price for build
My stupidity/ignorance/assumptions
How many employees @ what rate?
Technician employee onsite?
Chemical monthly costs?
Insurance premiums?
Utilities cost?
How many service days/year for maintenance?
Plenty of Known Unknowns…but I‘m certain there is plenty I’m missing.
Any/all advice would be helpful. Thick skin, so fire away.
Thank you in advance.