Tell us what type of tunnel car wash your looking to build? Full service, Express, Exterior or combo?
Length of wash, touchless or touch, layout and type of tunnel equipment, if touch what type of material for brushes curtains(s) because they can get dirty.
Based on the type of wash and projected volume how many dividing pits will you have to separate the bulk water sledge down to a level that you can be able to start the process of cleaning the water for reuse.
Where are you going to store the vast amount of water that you will need for wash high volume?
How are you going to maintain the sludge smell???
We all understand the RO part, believe me when I say that’s a give me, but I would have to worry about longevity of the RO unit(s) not only because of the “recycled” water but because your new to this and you will have A LOT going on for you in regards of running the whole operation.