So let me see if I understand this. The democrats and the press have their shorts all knotted up over a vague allegation of a now judge who someone has said he groped her when they were in high school. And yes alcohol was involved. This woman who made this has NO recollection of where and when this was supposed to have happened. And there were no witnesses or police charges or anything. And we are told that this makes a man who has a stellar reputation that he is now human garbage. Now these democrats are the exact same people who said that it was no big deal when it was announced that Clinton raped a woman. And he did more than group others. And let's not forget the lion of the senate, Ted Kennedy, who just so happened to commit manslaughter when he left a woman to die of lack of oxygen in his submerged car. And that was while he was out cheating on his wife. Oh no, no double standard here.