My order for a vac that doesn't suck (I'll leave the jokes alone now) but is running.) Go to next step if previous one does not solve problem.
1. Make sure
door is closed. 2. Pull hose and feel if there is suction at vac. (If there is the hose is clogged - Panty hose are the worst to get out. If not look into vac openisng or stick something in there to make sure there is no clog. 3. If it is not an open
door , clog at the vac, or hose, put some kleenex near the edge of the
door andsee if it gets sucked toward the
door, if it is, the seal or latches needs repair. 4. Still no good? Pull top and let run with
door OPEN. If a motor is bad, with the
door open, it will NOT be turning from the suction from the other one. 5. If motor needs to be replaced, make sure there is no debris in it or the screen under it. If there is clean working motor before it fails and check filter bags for holes. 6. If still No good, pull, wash, dry, replace filter bags.