Hey, Mac:
Here's something you (and about 46% of voting Americans ... and 70% who pay taxes) might appreciate:
During the last election fracas, I whipped up some pro Palin & what's his name bumper stickers.
I also made some "pro Obama" bumper stickers with which I pranked some of my family and buds who are GM/Delphi auto workers, union members, ... and mind numbed, congenital Dem voters.
Anyway, I surreptitiously slapped these (see attachment) on their bumpers. Needless to say, they did not remain on very long once discovered.
And I guess I was really prescient, or maybe Rush L. just ripped me off cuz El Rushbo has recently taken to using the same, uh, rather colorful phrase seen on that sticker I concocted.
BTW --- that self adhesive, vinyl and Epson DuraBrite ink-jet printer ink have proven to be quite weather and UV resistant. They did NOT hold up well, however, to Dems who keyed the stickers and paint jobs of some cars that had my "VietNam Veteran Against Kerry" stickers in 2004 ... but that's another story ... or is it?!!
Anyway, I think that Epson bumper sticker vinyl and ink just might work out pretty well in a carwash bay too ... for those inclined to make some DIY decals for meter boxes or whatever.
The Poster Formerly Known