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Petit 360 worth the extra money????

I can imagine! I'm not sure if Oasis has changed this aspect of the machine but ours circulated heated anti-freeze through all the rails AND through the spray arms. Like I said, our Typhoon was 20 years old and the high and low pressure spray manifolds weren't separated back then. However, the heated anti-freeze combined with an air blow out made for a great cold climate machine!

The Petit 360i really needs to be run in a bay with entrance and exit doors. If the bay gets below freezing, you're going to spend a ton of money weeping the machine.

Ive had turbo nozzles for about 5 years on two machines. I’ve only replaced 1 out of a 100 nozzles. Like JGinther said do not let them freeze. The machine is still heated if your purchase that option which makes it a great cold climate machine. You don’t have to rely on your doors operating correctly like you do with a petit.
Can someone give me ballpark pricing for Petit 360 vs PDQ laser vs Typhoon? We have two Water Wizard 2.0’s that I’m afraid are nearing end of economical life. Our WW2 distributor has started installing Petits and have been impressed.
$250 for machince and blowers, $35k fr installation, who knows on freight and taxes. Not sure the counts any instruction signs I think this machine is well over $300k to be up in running.

35k for installation, I wish!
all depends on your situation, new construction, renovation. I had to upgrade site voltage from 210 to 460, install new doors, pay stations, Navien on demand heaters plus major plumbing and electric work. I paid 50k for plumbing alone lol. 🤦🏼‍♂️
It is amazing how the costs of good IBAs have risen. Was just looking at the cost for my first Razor in 2017 to the new one we recently installed. Prices have gone up 50% since then. At some point things will need to change as IBA/SS locations will not be able to afford new equipment. Waiting for some competition to help give manufacturers incentive to compete on price more. No idea how Petit is moving machines as their costs are 2x a good WW Razor and the Petit benefit is marginal if at all.
I keep hearing about them on other forums regarding durability and the best in the business. How many have they built? How many have 100K cars on them? It's seems premature to describe them as a tank at this point. I think theyre relatively unproved compared to a laser 4000. Its very common to see established brands with over 200K cars on them and still going strong.

Looks to be 90 seconds or so faster than my water wizard and that's nice if throughput is an issue.Many owners could speed up their machines if the used the same principles of washing as petit: using tri color as "low ph presoak" and foregoing the rinse pass and washing the presoak off with a drying aid. Also no rocker panel pass, but a rocker panel wash as the auto enters saves a good 30 seconds, but I assume no tire cleaner application if you do that. It's hard to believe there is not a comprise in the final product. Might be a great option for high volume club washing and winter washing which seems pretty easy to me compared to heavy road film in the warm Months.

But I say all this not having seen one in the wild. I have a friend that should have one up and running soon. He has had lasers, istobal, and many water wizards so I'm anxious to visit it and hear what he says.
I have one with 60k+ washes and not a problem at all. Washes great and fast. Love it.
Both Petit bays have six dryer produces plus dual pump Petit’s suck some juice. Along with my SS bays and on demand heaters I didn’t have the capacity with 210
Both Petit bays have six dryer produces plus dual pump Petit’s suck some juice. Along with my SS bays and on demand heaters I didn’t have the capacity with 210

We had a 200 amp 208V three phase service and just upgraded it to 800 amps @208V for our new machine. No voltage change.
Can a petit owner get me the nozzle number off their machine? Their spray pattern doesn't look quite like zero or five degree nozzles. I'd like to try them on another touchless machine.
Not a pettit owner, but from the factory videos I have watched, the nozzles have larger openings and use more water to create larger droplets and more impact. So a 5° might not look like a traditional 5°. Plus, they oscillate, so coverage can occur without needing to overlap. Something like that might work on a water wizard, but maybe not an L machine.
Not a pettit owner, but from the factory videos I have watched, the nozzles have larger openings and use more water to create larger droplets and more impact. So a 5° might not look like a traditional 5°. Plus, they oscillate, so coverage can occur without needing to overlap. Something like that might work on a water wizard, but maybe not an L machine.

This. Coming from a double Petit owner. Without the oscillation and spray arm layout, I don’t think they would translate. Definitely not on an L.
Just watched a video and Tom Petit said they are large volume 5 degree nozzles. I already use 0503s on the wizard sides which do oscillate. If I count ten nozzles on the petit and this machine has two pumps they could be a 0510 or maybe even an 0515. Could someone confirm they are IMEGS when they are near their machine?

The YouTube interview with Mr Petit was an interesting conversation which made me further interested in the machine. It offers the potential cleaning ability of a good gantry unit but the open design of an inverted L. I've never been a fan of inverted Ls for what I considered to be inferior cleaning ability. But with all touch free units you have to have the chemistry right or it doesn't matter how much impingement you have on the surface.

Even my Coleman distributor installed a petit over a year ago and says he's not touched the machine in that time. I'm not far from transitioning out of the business and not 100% certain I would recoup my investment in that time though, so I'm still up in the air.
You can recoup with your selling price with a newer premium machine.
Hmmm, maybe- maybe not. One potential local buyer told me he is interested but he is friction only and will remove any touch free machine. And if I don't see a significant bump in revenue (which I don't anticipate) the multiples might mess me up. This is a pretty decent grossing wash.

Still- sure would be fun to rip an old unit out and have a nice new automatic. Makes me want to try one on a new project somewhere. My wife will kill me if I mention that.
I certainly understand the friction thing - I operate a tunnel, but if you are already an established touchfree site, that potential buyer could alienate your customer base. I don’t think I would make a wholesale change to a successful model, with or without a new machine. But he’s the buyer - not me!
Hmmm, maybe- maybe not. One potential local buyer told me he is interested but he is friction only and will remove any touch free machine. And if I don't see a significant bump in revenue (which I don't anticipate) the multiples might mess me up. This is a pretty decent grossing wash.

Still- sure would be fun to rip an old unit out and have a nice new automatic. Makes me want to try one on a new project somewhere. My wife will kill me if I mention that.
I might have already told you this but my last Petit I put in, the site increased $35,000 in revenue in one year. Took out a PDQ M5. Not a significant increase but I was still very glad to see it and I have not had any headaches like I did daily with the M5.