Better customer??? Trying to figure who is a bad customer. Is it someone who has been driving through 3 blizzards or maybe a construction area who complains that there car is not showroom clean after paying $7 for a basic wash? What do you mean it doesn't include wax or tire shine? I paid $7. Or is someone who complains about the vacuum suction or the number of towels, which both are always free. No purchase necessary. Oh do you have any other air fragrances??? sorry we can only feasibly offer 4 free air fragrances. But I don't like the smell of these. Do you have any more of that free glass cleaner? My bottle is empty. Well it was actually full until your decided to wash your entire vehicle with it. I guess it's about the same when it comes to better customers. I have heard complaints and compliments from both male and female. Sorry I rambled and really did not give my opinion. hahahahaha!