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Potential Cryptopay issue


I'm half way through installing Crytopay units in my 4 bays. They are set on count down, $5 / 15 minutes. In the couple weeks I have been using them, I have seen a few bills that hit the credit limit of $15. I did not see bills like this with my old CC set up. I'm worried that the customer is driving off with a little time left on the meter and then someone else is pushing the "more time" button on the cryptopay unit to wash their car. I don't know this for sure, just a speculation at this point.

Has anybody else encountered this?

Intersting thought! Any complaints from customers that swiped and headed out. My Hamilton system is set for count up with a $3 minimum. Max per swipe is $15, typically when I see $15 charges its from a customer that forgets to push the stop button. If they call, I explain the process and manually adjust, even though the next guy may end out getting a free wash.

$5 for 15 minutes is pretty cheap, (in my opinion) and seems like a long time. One could easily wash two cars in that time.
I along with many are count up , so we don't have this issue.

No you don't. As stated above, the problem you have is people drive off without hitting the stop button. I don't think using counting up solves all the problems.

That said, I probably will change to count up but I'm not ready at this time.
No you don't. As stated above, the problem you have is people drive off without hitting the stop button. I don't think using counting up solves all the problems.

That said, I probably will change to count up but I'm not ready at this time.

count up MAX CHARGE is the #1 reason for the service calls we receive, its caused because customer does not turn off credit card reader, they think turning meter to off turns off cc machine.
We have added more signage to tell customer to push button on card reader to end charges, that helps AND WE WILL NOT GO BACK TO COUNT DOWN IN SPITE OF THE PROBLEMS WE JUST ADJUST TO THEM AND THE WAY WE HANDEL THEM
count up MAX CHARGE is the #1 reason for the service calls we receive,

Please provide more 411. How of how many bays what is the frequency of this type of call.

For example I have 8 bays with a swiper in each bay and The CC may be $2500 a month or more and I would say the frequency for this is less than one a moth and perhaps less than one every 3 months.
Please provide more 411. How of how many bays what is the frequency of this type of call.

For example I have 8 bays with a swiper in each bay and The CC may be $2500 a month or more and I would say the frequency for this is less than one a moth and perhaps less than one every 3 months.

we have 23 bays in operation we have noticed some locations are more troublesome then others. so we added more signage and some locations have different mentality. we get around 5 calls a week with max charge issues. some times after looking at charges, there a bay charge plus vacuum charges. crypto does not have the ability to refund so we deal with the people or it goes to dispute and we will lose so we don't bother with a dispute, we refund tokins unless it a very special case, we do over 10k a month in cc charges
I don't think using counting up solves all the problems.



The only time your problems are all solved is when you are in a box and they are throwing dirt on the lid.
I think the volume of issues reflected by Mel and I give you a yardstick to work with.
I do not use cryptopay.... So I do not really know what happens when you reset the timer. But what about putting a loop in the floor of the bay to fix the issue.
A loop won't work with CryptoPay count-up because there's no provision to end the transaction other than pressing the button. It's possible it would solve the problem in count-down mode.
CMA Wash gets 5 calls a week or 20 / month for max charge issues. I may be wrong but I can't help but think some may be the CC Hold versus not pushing the button. For him it works out to 20 calls per $10,000.00

CMA - Has this been decreasing over time?

CMA also notes different demographics seem to have different issues. I may have 1-2 calls per $10,000 and I have seen the issues decrease over time especialy with the hold on the CC. So, how big an issue is it - really? Only way to find out what your results would be is try.
max charge issue has been droping over time, part of complaint is pre charge issue, some customers complain and are told wait 24 hrs for system to process, seems to be tied to debit cards and smart phones, people who run their balances tightly.
we have a lot of new customers who are getting used to the system, would like to issue credit via crypto pay to customers. would be nice for the future
No you don't. As stated above, the problem you have is people drive off without hitting the stop button. I don't think using counting up solves all the problems.

That said, I probably will change to count up but I'm not ready at this time.

By waiting to change to count up you will only confuse more customers. The sooner you make the change, the better. You will most assuredly have increased revenues with count up. You probably know from your own experience that you yourself try to get done washing down your bays faster once you hear the last minute buzzer.

A couple of things I did: When I replaced the decals on my meter boxes, I had them customized with an arrow pointing to the swiper stop button with "push flashing button to end credit card charges". Also, where my phone number is listed on the Cryptopay instructional sign I used a labeler with the same message.
Mel, I would like to suggest that in addittion to count up you use Bonus time as well as perhaps make one bay a Superbay.
I use count up and Bonus. Regular Bay Starts at $2.50. 25 Seconds per quarter. Super Bay is $3.00 Start. 20 Seconds per quarters. For $5.00 and $10.00 - Bonus is 2 additional minutes. (I know Superbay should probably be less. ) All Count up.

Cash and credit same price.

Kind of Funny - Customers seemed to gravitate toward bays on either side of the equipment room feeling they had more pressure. So I bumped them up to $1350 PSI and made them superbays. people wanting a premium can get it and during busy times it's like demand pricing.