I think you are making things too difficult. Here are the steps involved in calculating cost per car per chemical.
1. Calculate how much powder you need to make your chemical solution per gallon.
2. Do a chemical draw during the wash from a container that measures the amount by mls - preferably for at least 3 washes.
Note: Be sure to measure the amount in the container without the draw tube and remove the draw tube when measuring the amount
used to ascertain the correct amount.
(Most measuring cups already offer the amount in mls as well as ounces - make sure that you use a container that will allow you to have
enough solution for the draws.)
3. Divide the amount used by the number of washes you did for the test giving you the amount of solution in mls you are using per wash.
4. Using your cost per gallon divide by 128 to get the cost per ounce then divide by 30 to get cost per ml.
5. Multiply the cost per ml by the amount used in a wash to calculate the chemical cost to do one wash.
To calculate the cost using a liquid you can use the same method to calculate the cost per car.
If you use this method on all the chemicals you use during a wash you can then calculate your cost per wash for each package you offer.
1. Calculate how much powder you need to make your chemical solution per gallon.
2. Do a chemical draw during the wash from a container that measures the amount by mls - preferably for at least 3 washes.
Note: Be sure to measure the amount in the container without the draw tube and remove the draw tube when measuring the amount
used to ascertain the correct amount.
(Most measuring cups already offer the amount in mls as well as ounces - make sure that you use a container that will allow you to have
enough solution for the draws.)
3. Divide the amount used by the number of washes you did for the test giving you the amount of solution in mls you are using per wash.
4. Using your cost per gallon divide by 128 to get the cost per ounce then divide by 30 to get cost per ml.
5. Multiply the cost per ml by the amount used in a wash to calculate the chemical cost to do one wash.
To calculate the cost using a liquid you can use the same method to calculate the cost per car.
If you use this method on all the chemicals you use during a wash you can then calculate your cost per wash for each package you offer.
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