I’ve been involved with about 20 single in-bay projects. Least expensive was $370K most was around $500K. So to keep it interesting, I would look to wash 18,000 cars per year or more.
(18,000 / 10,000) / 312 days = 0.58% or about 60 cars a day
One in-bay on a postage stamp sized lot needs to create a larger presence in order to achieve this or greater.
This means super attractive building, state-of-the-art technology, and mobile
marketing and e-commerce. This is where the $500K comes from.
Generally speaking, free-standing in-bay is gross net 60 percent business.
Have you considered leasing property, building, and equipment?
For example, assume you wash a lot of cars, say 25,000. Three to five years out the POS and in-bay will need overhauled. Eight to ten years out the POS and in-bay will need replaced, and building will need a skin package or more.