Hmmm, I dunno, Mac. Once upon a time in the West, public hangings were like a festival. Folks from all around would come into town to see the "guest of honor" — dis-honor — "swing". Besides the "good folks", these public hanging carnivals would attract street vendors, snake oil sellers, and, of course, lotsa pickpockets. The "swingee" was given an opportunity for "last words" ... sometimes quite eloquent and dramatic — all part of the show. Flash forward to our time ----
Nowadaze, being the center of attention ... being FAMOUS or INfamous — "getting clicks" — is a HUGE motivator for so many of these pathetic, sick, twisted, attention starved losers. Soooo, I'd bet being the "star" attraction at a PUBLICIZED PUBLIC hanging would be THE way to go for a lot of them ... if given a choice. There are plenty of alternatives that would better serve our primal need for JUSTICE ... options I'd prefer not to dwell upon.