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Purchase or not?

Being vague may not always be tied to ignorance. When considering buying a wash, especially if you think it may be a great deal, you don't want to put out a ton of info. Someone may connect all the dots and buy it out from under you. I'm not saying that's the case here, but something to consider. With the limited info so far, nothing about this wash would make me run away screaming, but I don't have a PI trying to locate it for me either.
I get what you all are saying. My first post was not to be vague, it was all the information I had at the time. I was looking for, and received from almost everyone, the "what if" answers or the "what happens if the equipment is shot" answers. I do greatly appreciate it and I'm trying to find out these answer on ALL of these questions. This forum has been extremely helpful advising me what info I need to gather. I am about as new as you can get in this business (lol)! But, I'm a grown, adult *ss man! Don't give me some condescending, "gee your stupid", I know it all kind of answer! 99.9 % have been very helpful. I can, but find it really hard to sift through some bullspit response to get the good out of it, but I can do it. I'll still call someone out on it though. There's no need for that crap. I'm also a taxidermist on the side and a member of another forum. Have been for about ten years. I look at some of the newbie posts and the response to some of their question from those members that have been on longer than I have and wonder what the heck good did that smart *ss response do. I know there are a lot of good people on here with a lot of experience and knowledge that I will continue to value. Others, not so much. Thanks all!!
I’ve been living and breathing this stuff for about twenty years. What is transparent is this gem of an opportunity.

Worn out carwash, no positive cash flow, constrained market, new-to-industry.

I wouldn’t give you a loan based on those four factors alone.

Like I said, if you want a hobby business as in it doesn’t make much money, this may be the right target.

It’s too bad you are offended. My comments are related to business not popularity contest.
Your not gett'en it Robert. Like I said, I can sift through your posts and I get that you don't like this CW. Others have cautioned as well about this CW. I respect your opinion and take it under consideration as I do all these posts that offer insight (good or bad). It's your PRESENTATION! Your need to try and impress with the sarcasm, condescending replies and know it all attitude. It's not helpful to anyone. Twenty years in the business, good for you. I hope you have at least twenty more in you. I "could" be just starting out in the business, but I don't care if you have 100 years in the business if your going to present your information the way you do. I'm not buying your product so to speak, if presented that way. I'll shop elsewhere. I'm not offended at all about your comments "related to business". It's the presentation Robert.
Look, I suggested a real estate professional, not me. Quite frankly, you couldn’t afford me for an $80,000 venture. That’s not condescending, it’s the truth. You want niceties as you roll down primrose path, so be it. There is no shortage of agents here to goad you on. Good luck. Hopefully, you will be one of the few who come back and tell us about it.
When I looked at the wash I bought, the Professional (Licensed) Real Estate Agent sit in the car while the owner showed me around! I don't think its a requirement to know anything about a CW when taking the Real Estate Test! I would trust another operators opinion over a Real Estate Agent any day...Especially if the advice is from a Real Owner/Operator that has no interest in seeing you fail! Keep a close eye out for the "Snakes" in the grass!

I like the "Spunk" of our new forum member, Stu! He's already mastered "Forum Etiquette"!!! Love it! Owning/Operating a CW will be a piece of cake once he gets past this part!
HaHaHaHaHaHaHa, LOLOLOLOLOLOL, Go get em Stu!!! He told me I would be stupid to take out a tunnel and put in an IBA!!! That was 7 years ago, it was the best move I ever made, carwash has had the best years in the 50 its been at location. He loves to throw numbers and his opinions on how everything should work. Tried to get me to pay him to come up and tell me how it should be done!!! He wouldnt put his money where his mouth was!! Im a professional consultant(self proclaimed) you gotta do it this way not that!! I have yet to see a single person on this forum throw ANY support back to Robert!?!?! Not once in the over 15 years on have been on this site. Ask him how many washes he has EVER owned???? NADA, None, Zero. Never used his own $$$ just tries to pilfer others. He is a snake oil salesman.
Do your homework, be realistic, ask lots of questions. There are many on here that will even offer up their time to give good advice. Everyone here knows that he is a condescending Ass and you have obviously picked up on that pretty quickly.
Best of luck to you.
Since you refuse to ignore me, I no choice but to come down to your level.

“He told me I would be stupid to take out a tunnel and put in an IBA!!!”

That’s a lie. I never called you stupid. What I said was your approach was like trying to walk forward in reverse and you couldn’t take it.

Industry has converged on conveyor and you chose to go backwards. Good for you. This might be different but it might be incompetence as in not knowing how to make money with a conveyor. Most people rip out in-bay put in conveyor.

“Tried to get me to pay him….!”

That is a lie, and I’ll tell it to your face.

“I have yet to see a single person on this forum throw ANY support back to Robert!?!?!”

I’ve receive e-mails to the contrary just on this thread alone. Surprisingly, these folks feel about you like I do.

“Ask him how many washes he has EVER owned???? NADA, None, Zero.”

That’s another lie. I’ve owned carwash, lube, detail shop, mobile detail, and spearheaded several car-care related start-ups.

So there you go. You’re a liar again.

I believe your best bet is to ignore me.
Guys can't we just all just get along really. This makes our industry look so bad and not profesional. This he said she said crap I can't believe it. We need to all share information on this form to help each other and make this industry stronger than ever for the future generation like myself. Opinions are like butholes everyone has one and everyone's stinks from time to time. I come to this form to learn and share technical information to help others not pick fights. I am not picking anyone's side here I am netrual. It could be like in the 80's and 70's where everything was trial and error and you had to figure it out on your own or call a distributor it wasn't no internet or networking from state to state. You had to make good notes as you went along and go home to a landline and call someone else and hope they where at home too. O well hope this helps defuse the tension on this form. I honestly can't believe its went this far. Thomas
“I have yet to see a single person on this forum throw ANY support back to Robert!?!?!”

I’ve receive e-mails to the contrary just on this thread alone. Surprisingly, these folks feel about you like I do.

And why are "these folks" emailing you? Because they agree with almost everyone else on this forum on how you are but they look past it because they respect your opinion. Maybe they're even afraid to side with you. I've ruffled a few feathers on this forum myself over the years, but at least someone always backs me up in public.
And why are "these folks" emailing you? Because they agree with almost everyone else on this forum on how you are but they look past it because they respect your opinion. Maybe they're even afraid to side with you. I've ruffled a few feathers on this forum myself over the years, but at least someone always backs me up in public.

Hey, I thought you haters are supposed to be ignoring me. So far, not doing so good.
Back to the topic. Pics are quite helpful. I wouldn't worry too much about someone coming in and stealing your deal if the wash has been on the market for over a year. Every operator within 50 miles is aware of it. Frankly , it's probably going to be a low grossing wash which is fine, but just as Robert said it might possibly be a "hobby wash". I've run washes before that netted as little as 1K a month after expenses but if it only takes a couple hours of work per week it's not too bad. Assuming you are in a temperate climate and don't have much snow you can operate it cheaply. You wlll have to be willing to get dirty and learn how to figure out and fix things. You simply wont have enough money left over to pay a repair man.

The auto bay may or may not be worth fooling with depending on brand or condition. Heck, convert it to a self serve bay or your taxidermy studio/man cave.

Anyway pics will get a lot of responses.
I've heard the term "Hobby Wash" get mentioned here quite a bit. Is there a definition for that term or what constitutes a Hobby Wash?? Most Hobbies I've ever had, there was no return what-so-ever with it! I'm not disagreeing with you Greg, just wanting to know what that term refers to and how a Wash would fall under that classification? Where I live, a $1000 or more extra per month for a few hours work comes in handy!
I've heard the term "Hobby Wash" get mentioned here quite a bit. Is there a definition for that term or what constitutes a Hobby Wash?? Most Hobbies I've ever had, there was no return what-so-ever with it! I'm not disagreeing with you Greg, just wanting to know what that term refers to and how a Wash would fall under that classification? Where I live, a $1000 or more extra per month for a few hours work comes in handy!

I agree somewhat. When I first got in the business in 93 I remember thinking an extra $200/week on top of my firefighter/paramedic salary would be awesome. But I did not have to put down a large chunk of cash for purchase either. The OP needs to be careful not to buy himself a mediocre paying part time job.

Having said that, As I think about retirement in a few years, a nice self serve would make a good source of retirement income without too much headache-especially a gated model.
The first wash I full-on managed felt like a hobby because I kind of enjoyed being able to do whatever I wanted to it while I was making almost no money, I think $150 a month from about 3 hours a day of work.