I just spent 1K refurbishing my 4098 through our local Cummins Allison dealer. The rubber rollers had gotten gooey and I told the repairman to go through it thoroughly. I originally bought the unit on ebay maybe five years ago for around $1500. Hope it works for a few more years. It's a huge time saver.
Since you get so offended when someone "puts words in your mouth," show me one post on this forum where anyone said anything remotely similar to what you just claimed.I can't speak for.. what is all involved... when it comes to people on this forum's intense hatred of dollar coins.
they feel they have no say in what politicians & bankers at every level do.
Klopp has the best counters for car washes because it will handle wet coins, but the cheapest one is $1100. It doesn't sort at all.
This one will off-sort, but only smaller coins than what you're counting. Larger coins will jam it, and you have to stop and remove them. That's the best you're going to get for under $500.
Amazon.com : Ribao CS-10S High Speed Portable Coin Counter and Sorter, 1800 Coins per Minute Counting Speed, 2000 Coins Hopper Capacity, Suitable for International Coins and Tokens, Two-Year Warranty : Coin Sorters And Counters : Office Products
Amazon.com : Ribao CS-10S High Speed Portable Coin Counter and Sorter, 1800 Coins per Minute Counting Speed, 2000 Coins Hopper Capacity, Suitable for International Coins and Tokens, Two-Year Warranty : Coin Sorters And Counters : Office Productswww.amazon.com
FWIW, I take quarters to the bank in bags of $500. I pay the same ($4 per bag) whether the count is correct or not. I use a digital parts-counting scale that I calibrated for quarters and it's accurate to within three coins. I have to sort out tokens before deposit which I do by hand, takes less than five minutes per $500.
1. First and foremost MEP001 has passed away so I will respondBro, why would car washes need to handle wet coins? Really curious about it.
Could be- but I have 2 of the Ribao mixed denomination counters. Bank Takes mixed denominations so it's great for me.Pretty sure "Johnathan" works for or is somehow affiliated with Ribao. Always promoting their products and in an earlier post he mentioned he is in China.