"Holy smoke" ... in every sense.
Ironically, I discovered this thread minutes before my wife, Colleen, and I were about to have a BBQ dinner "with Mike". Let me explain ---
Beyond Mike's "just" being an extraordinarily good man, he was a master BBQ chef, who helped take my "Q" to a whole nuther level. Today Colleen and I once again enjoyed ribs "with Mike" because they were smoked, cooked "lo 'n slo" seasoned with the special dry rub Mike had sent me a big bucket of a couple years ago. Colleen had never eaten ribs until I learned to do 'em
Mike's way. Every time we'd sit down to chow down on BBQ, I'd think about Mike and his generous spirit ... something that went far beyond the smoky, tasty culinary arts.
I am truly saddened to hear of his passing. I have maybe another couple years' worth of Mike's BBQ seasoning left in our pantry. But he'll be remembered fondly long, long after that.