2 dirtbags attempted to pry into one of my access machines on 12/16/10. The alarm sounded and off they went. Filed a police report and I showed the video to the officer. unfortunately my video didnt get a good face shot of either of the 2. Fortunately these crooks were dumb as posts and were caught the very next night at a carwash about a mile and a half away tring to break into some vacs.(along with a look out) There just happened to be someone awake in the neighboring apartments @ 12:45 AM and saw them through a window in action and called the police. They had the same clothes on as they did the night before. Needless to say i am sleeping a little better since. Lucky for me this was only a good learning experiance as far as camera placement goes. From what i am reading this seems to happen in Columbus too often. Wouldnt you just love to catch these guys in the act?