This reply and personal testimony is in the "better late than never" column ... waaaayyyy late.
Rush was responsible for my "conversion" from Lib/Dem to Independent Conservative. I was a charter listener in 1988 when Rush was not so much a POLITICAL commentator as he was a bombastic ENTERTAINER with clever, funny, raucus socio/cultural observations ... that had some Political implications.
By the early 90's, my low 'n slow "epiphany" and move to the Right was gelling. And it was not just what el Rushbo said that opened my eyes. As much as it was what the media and hi profile Libs said he had said. I saw how they all routinely lied and distorted Rush's observations — entertaining, yes, but THOUGHT provoking. Time and time and time again, I found myself asking "Hmmm, if my Leftist tribe is sooo virtuous --- why oh why do we have to lie?!!" Well, the "undeniable Truths" (thanks to Rush's Wit 'n Wisdom)
finally got thru my thick Polack skull!
Of course there's no one more fervent than a convert. Sooooo, by the mid 1990's I began my injecting Politics (okay, okay, sometimes heavy handed) into the
SSCWN. Why? Cuz I knew (in my head, heart and gut) that Political dynamics had massive impact on all businesses ... with
carwashing often in the legislative crosshairs. There was a real Love-Hate-Wha-the-Wha?!! response for my doing what no trade mag editor ("in his right mind") had ever done before --- risk alienating subscribers and advertisers. But I was in my Right-Right mind. And like the Duke was want to say, "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do." And so I did. Anyhoo, for your viewing pleasure attached is my monumental "Mount
RushMore" tribute to Rush that I created in Photoshop. He fits (in more ways than one) there on the Right.
Rest in Peace, Rush, but not too, too peaceably. We've got a bizarre uncivil civil war we MUST win down here!
![Mount_RUSHmore.jpg Mount_RUSHmore.jpg](