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Saddan had no link to Al Qaeda, report censored

Ben's Car Wash

Conveyor & self service

Pentagon Report on Saddam's Iraq Censored?
Share March 12, 2008 1:58 PM

ABC News' Jonathan Karl Reports: The Bush Administration apparently does not want a U.S. military study that found no direct connection between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda to get any attention. This morning, the Pentagon cancelled plans to send out a press release announcing the report's release and will no longer make the report available online.
And if none of you have seen the movie.... get "no end in sight" from net flix (you can watch it online) or rent it from block buster!
The Greatest movie for Bush haters.....that about sums it up.
Fingerpointing at its best.....
and yes I voted for Bush and no I wouldn't do it again.
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It must be terrible to spend so much of your life hating someone. Hate is like a poison, it will affect everything it comes in contact with. Get over it and on with your life.

You better fact check that cartoon! Yes Clinton fired 93 judges when he came into office.... in his first term (as did almost EVERY US PRESIDENT IN HISTORY)... as Bush fired almost EVERY ONE TOO! But never had a President fired sitting Judges mid-term in a second term... some of who refused to investigate democrats for voter fraud. Look it up. Bush in 2001 when he took office replace 123 sitting judges as did Bill Clinton (who replaced 93 of Bush 41's Judges in 93' when he took office). Bush 41 replaced Reagen's and Reagen replaced Carter's... and so on. Do you get it?

Never has a President replace Judges in a politicized Justice Department (with 25% of it's members coming from religious Universities... not Duke of Harvard mind you) with high level appointment by inexperanced underlings. And still those involved REFUSE TO APPEAR BY SUPENA (as you and I would be arrested) like Harriet Meirs.

Boy... you guys need to read and stop watching Fox news.
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Bush ran against algore and John Kerry. Surely you would have to vote for him again. Sadly he is probably better than any of the 3 losers in the race this time. Hillary and Obama are going to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. I can prove it too because it is printed on the internet. I don't know if there is a movie yet though.
Your absolutley right...I would vote for him again in that senario. But I will most diff vote for Mccain. My reason is simple..I want someone that actually cares for this country. If I have the chance to vote for a man who served and fought for this country....I will. Theres my can of worms!!!

You're a smart guy. You know as well as I do that the reason we are in Iraq has everything to do with oil, power and control. The problem is that reason doesn't sell with the American people, especially the bleeding heart liberals who believe that everything can be handled with diplomacy and talking. The bottom line is that we must have a strong presence in the Middle to protect our national interests and our national security. If we don't you can sure as hell bet that Iran, China or Russia will and we can't allow that to happen. Next to Saudi Arabia, Iraq has the largest oil reserves in the world, it doesn't take rocket science to figure out why we are there. The media tells us that our politicians lied to get us into war, did they? Or did they just tell us what we wanted to hear so that they didn't have to tell us the truth. The truth being that our economy is a house of cards, with nearly one-third of our national debt owned by China, Japan and Other countries. This war is about our national security, but it has more to do with economic warfare than it does nukes or terrorism. If we don't win in Iraq and get a sympathetic government in place and get their oil production up to par, you can bet that the $3.25/gallon gas we are paying right now will seem like heaven compared to $5.00.gallon gas. Mark my words, it doesn't matter who gets elected in November, we are not leaving Iraq anytime soon, and if Bush has his way we will be in Iran before he's out of office.

John Moran

You're a smart guy. You know as well as I do that the reason we are in Iraq has everything to do with oil, power and control. The problem is that reason doesn't sell with the American people, especially the bleeding heart liberals who believe that everything can be handled with diplomacy and talking. The bottom line is that we must have a strong presence in the Middle to protect our national interests and our national security. If we don't you can sure as hell bet that Iran, China or Russia will and we can't allow that to happen. Next to Saudi Arabia, Iraq has the largest oil reserves in the world, it doesn't take rocket science to figure out why we are there. The media tells us that our politicians lied to get us into war, did they? Or did they just tell us what we wanted to hear so that they didn't have to tell us the truth. The truth being that our economy is a house of cards, with nearly one-third of our national debt owned by China, Japan and Other countries. This war is about our national security, but it has more to do with economic warfare than it does nukes or terrorism. If we don't win in Iraq and get a sympathetic government in place and get their oil production up to par, you can bet that the $3.25/gallon gas we are paying right now will seem like heaven compared to $5.00.gallon gas. Mark my words, it doesn't matter who gets elected in November, we are not leaving Iraq anytime soon, and if Bush has his way we will be in Iran before he's out of office.

John Moran

Well John.... I have to agree 100% with you! I said it from the begining and I get dam near thrown off the forum. Every connection to this Administration is to oil. Cheney's executive past, Bush's connection to Aramco, Rice's oil tanker, the Bush family Saudi Royal Family connections... even so... let's be objective.... Saddam was a bad man.... so was Stalin (killed 20 million+), Amin (1-2 million), Pol Pot (1 million in 6 months) and countless other ruthless dictators that we either installed or supported with the help of the CIA. But again let's be objective.

Saddam's land sit's on the second largest oil reserve in the World. Yet our largest importer of oil is not from the middle east. But what do the have the most of in the middle East? Fresh water! In which pipeline have be negotiated to be laid.

Let's look at STRADIGY. We somehow have FLANKED IRAN on THREE SIDES in 6 years. Am I to believe that this is an accident? Was I to beleive that an Amrial was CENTCOM commander.... typically a position held by a land lover? No.... Iran is next. Iran and China had signed major oil & natural gas contracts a few years ago.

I paid $3.89 yesterday for desiel.... $40 only put 1/4 tank. Oil hit over $110 a barrel. When Bush came into office 7 years ago oil was in the $20 a barrel range. The dollar is near all time lows. My Polish friend said that in Poland the Zloti is now worth PRE WWII exchange for the US dollar! She can't afford to go home to see her family this year with the weak value of the dollar againts the Euro.

Was this war necessary? Afganistan.... YES! Iraq.... why? Everything turned out to be a lie.... everything we were told in an OPEN SOCIETY CALLED THE UNITED STATES! So if that's what people he on the ACF expect and want from their government... frankly, you guys frighten me!

Please.... before you send my kid to war... tell me what's at stake truthfully. If it means my life for my Country... no problem...send me. But if I have a choice to drive a smalller car or ride a bike and NOT SEND MY CHILD or YOUR CHILD to a RAT HOLE called IRAQ for oil to make some A$$hole richer... than I have the right to know that! And so do you!

Watch the documentry before you critize it or me. Have the balls to do so.
Doug, nothing that anyone says here will ever change your mind, but because I'm slightly masochistic, let me ask you a simple question. You said almost every president has fired these people. I'm assuming then, that it must be within the president's powers to do that. Doesn't matter when it's done, only if it's legal. They serve at his pleasure. So if it's legal, why waste your time on this? The dems are going after this for show only. For such a seemingly intelligent person, you really need to get a life.
Saddam's land sit's on the second largest oil reserve in the World. Yet our largest importer of oil is not from the middle east. But what do the have the most of in the middle East? Fresh water! In which pipeline have be negotiated to be laid.

Let's look at STRADIGY. We somehow have FLANKED IRAN on THREE SIDES in 6 years. Am I to believe that this is an accident? Was I to beleive that an Amrial was CENTCOM commander.... typically a position held by a land lover? No.... Iran is next. Iran and China had signed major oil & natural gas contracts a few years ago.

I paid $3.89 yesterday for desiel.... $40 only put 1/4 tank. Oil hit over $110 a barrel. When Bush came into office 7 years ago oil was in the $20 a barrel range. The dollar is near all time lows. My Polish friend said that in Poland the Zloti is now worth PRE WWII exchange for the US dollar! She can't afford to go home to see her family this year with the weak value of the dollar againts the Euro.

Was this war necessary? Afganistan.... YES! Iraq.... why? Everything turned out to be a lie.... everything we were told in an OPEN SOCIETY CALLED THE UNITED STATES! So if that's what people he on the ACF expect and want from their government... frankly, you guys frighten me!

Please.... before you send my kid to war... tell me what's at stake truthfully. If it means my life for my Country... no problem...send me. But if I have a choice to drive a smalller car or ride a bike and NOT SEND MY CHILD or YOUR CHILD to a RAT HOLE called IRAQ for oil to make some A$$hole richer... than I have the right to know that! And so do you!

Watch the documentry before you critize it or me. Have the balls to do so.

The fact that you PAID that for diesel has a hell of a lot more to do with the price of oil than GWB does. If people coming to your car wash are willing to pay $12 for a wash would you sell it for $6? Anyone who thinks politicians have anything to do with the price of oil are deluding themselves. Clinton and Obama are counting on it. I have no doubt one of them will get your vote. Since you are in Florida your vote may not count anyway. It is going to be stolen in a smoky room at the convention.
Doug's favorite pastime is ****ing into the wind, the stronger the better.

We can hardly wait until Dems get in and bring oil back to $12 a barrel, FREE health care for all. One thing that I noticed that all of a sudden the Dems don't seem to worried about closing the southern border, whats with that, but whatever. When they blow up Nafta, and mess with the 2 biggest importers of our products, that will be a big help too. I can hardly wait until Jan 09.
Doug, nothing that anyone says here will ever change your mind, but because I'm slightly masochistic, let me ask you a simple question. You said almost every president has fired these people. I'm assuming then, that it must be within the president's powers to do that. Doesn't matter when it's done, only if it's legal. They serve at his pleasure. So if it's legal, why waste your time on this? The dems are going after this for show only. For such a seemingly intelligent person, you really need to get a life.

Well Mac, Bill brought up the Attorney firing issue.... not me. I corrected Bill. But if you need background info (which it seems you do because you don't seem to understand the idea of this) I suggest reading the entire link here:


Dismissal of U.S. Attorneys under previous administrations

A Department of Justice list noted that "in 1981, Reagan's first year in office, 71 of 93 districts had new U.S. attorneys. In 1993, Clinton's first year, 80 of 93 districts had new U.S. attorneys." Similarly, a Senate study noted that "Reagan replaced 89 of the 93 U.S. attorneys in his first two years in office. President Clinton had 89 new U.S. attorneys in his first two years, and President Bush had 88 new U.S. attorneys in his first two years."[72]

In contrast to the 2006 dismissals, Presidents rarely dismiss U.S. attorneys they appoint.[70][71] Kyle Sampson, Chief of Staff at the Department of Justice, noted in a January 9, 2006, e-mail to Harriet Miers: "In recent memory, during the Reagan and Clinton Administrations, Presidents Reagan and Clinton did not seek to remove and replace U.S. Attorneys they had appointed, but instead permitted such U.S. Attorneys to serve indefinitely under the holdover provision" (underlining original).[73] There is no precedent for a President to dismiss several U.S attorneys at one time while in the middle period of the presidential term in office.[74][75]
The fact that you PAID that for diesel has a hell of a lot more to do with the price of oil than GWB does. If people coming to your car wash are willing to pay $12 for a wash would you sell it for $6? Anyone who thinks politicians have anything to do with the price of oil are deluding themselves. Clinton and Obama are counting on it. I have no doubt one of them will get your vote. Since you are in Florida your vote may not count anyway. It is going to be stolen in a smoky room at the convention.

Jimmy.... WTF do you think is driving up the cost of OIL now? Get a grip dude.... the Feds have DEFLATED THE DOLLAR to hedge off inflation... THAT IN TURN HAS DRIVEN INVESTORS TO COMODITIES.... that commodity is OIL and GOLD. Since we begun slashing the dollar... oil has shot up 25% from $80 -$110 a barrel and Gold closed at over $1000 yesterday. Study your economics before you slam me for my political view. Politics has a lot to do with oil dude.... how much oil do war ships, tank and planes need to run a war? Who declare war.... corporations... free trade zones? Politicians DO!

The price of oil has every thing to do with politicians... wake up. They write the US ENERGY POLICY TOO!
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Jimmy... just for you. I was reading a blog after I posted above. What luck! A political blog with all the info you'll need. For example read below:


Across the board, an on-average nearly 40% dive in the value of the dollar, and that is just within the last six years. In that dollar index chart alone 2008 is already showing more than a 6% decline, and we are only in March.

What are the immediate effects of such a steep drop in our currency? It puts extreme upward pressure on anything and everything. This has really kicked in especially within the last year to two years, and has been building before that for the better part of this decade.

* Aluminum: up 76% in 4.5 years
* Copper: up 333% in 5 years
* Platinum: up 353% in 9 years
* Silver: up 272% in 6 years
* Gold: up 300% in 7 years

* Canola: up 133% in 2 years
* Cocoa: up 206% in 7 years
* Coffee: up 170% in 6 years
* Corn: up 150% in 2 years
* Oats: up 160% in 3.5 years
* Rice: up 239% in 6 years
* Soybeans: up 134% in 1.5 years
* Wheat: up 200% in 2 years

* Brent Crude Oil: up 900% in 9 years
* Heating Oil: up 450% in 9 years
* Light Crude Oil: up 850% in 9 years
* Propane: up 190% in 9 years


During this time, how much have your wages gone up? For the average American, down about 2%. If you made $50,000 a year in 2000, you would need to be at $61,289.20 just to keep pace with inflation today. To actually "get ahead" in the world (to do what raises are supposed to accomplish), you would need to be further ahead of that number.

That high school $8/hr job in 2000 would bring in $9.81 today. How many supermarkets are paying that, though? In many places, they're still paying $8, or even less. That $8/hr job today was worth $6.53 only 8 years ago.

As wages has stagnated and the price of everything has soared, Americans have tended to find another way to get income - the equity that is stored within the value of one's home. From this last gamble to hang on to the American Dream that was the good times of the 1990's, we witnessed what may perhaps be the greatest bubble and crash in our lives: the housing bubble.
Have to agree with Doug on this one, demand is not driving the price of oil, the commodities market is. With the dollar losing value and many other nations suffering the same or worse type of recession as we are oil as a commodity gets more and more valuable, hence the fact that we are in Iraq, because of oil. Our dollar is backed by nothing, and in this global economy we need leverage when it comes to negotiating trade agreements with other countries like China and Japan. A weak dollar doesn't help our position, but, being in a position to influence the oil markets does. I know this scares the crap out of people and Doug sure as hell doesn't like it, but, this war in Iraq is about oil. Before you agree with me Doug with regard to Iraq, realize I don't have the problem with the Iraq war like you do. I believe we need to be there not only as a deterrent to Islamic terrorism, but just as importantly as a away to economically protect our country and its interests. Americans don't want to hear that. Most of America lives in a bubble and doesn't have a clue what's going on in the world. Our way of life as Freedom loving Americans is under attack on many fronts. To simplify this war and boil it down to "oil men" getting richer on the blood of our troops is a slap in the face to our brave men and women and a grand over simplification. Doug, while I'd love to live in your "idealistic view of the world", sadly, I'm a realist and cynic. While I may not like the way the world works, I realize that this is the way the world works.

To quote Bush " I think you mis-underestemated me". I agree with you (again). I don't live in a bubble (I know my history very well). It's for this fact I believe we shouldn't be there. And I disagree only on one point with you... that is that our presence there has CREATED MORE ISLAMIC TERRORIST NOT LESS AND GAVE THEM PRESCIOUS TRAINING!

Now, do I think for one moment that we as a Nation need resorces and that if we, the most powerful Nation should take what we need... ABSOLUTLEY... THAT IS HISTORY..."TO THE VICTOR GO THE SPIOLS". But again... in an open society (if that IS WHAT WE HAVE) TELL ME! I will gladly go.... again "I WILL GLADLY GO". If today BEARS STEARNS dropped 52% (nearly closed up shop until it was bailed out SOCIALIZED) and we needed to stimulate our ecomomy by taking land & resources to save the US and the "AMERICAN WAY" COUNT ME IN! But no one else here agrees with you and I?

This war is a "new imperalism" an "expansion of a new America" one that will dominate the middle east. It has to be that way for the US to survive..... China is Too BIG! The only way to confront the growing threat of a peak oil is to control the supply! Why else do we have over 50% of our Navy concentrate in one small body of water? Does it make sence to anyone else? Canada is our biggest imported of oil, Mexico has huge reserves as does the gulf of mexico (maybe the biggest in the world) yet were in the Persian Gulf with 4 Aircraft carrier groups, 160,000 troops (Iraq), 30,000 (Afganistan) looking for a few Islamo-fasist Camel Jockeys? Please..... we shot down a satilite last month anounced not by a 2 or 3 star general... BUT BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE US! That's a wake up call my friend to Russia and China not to F with us or we will knock out your communication sats whenever we want!

Yes John... you are right... most people have NO CLUE.