Doug although wikipedia is a useful tool, anything controversial should be taken with a grain of salt. Not a good place to cite as a reputable factual internet source.
The same booming economy that we had in the late 90's that many libs love to cite was an equity bubble. President Clinton slipped out just a few months before it popped and Bush inherited it. This bubble was allowed to move into housing and got worse. Most blame Mr. Greenspan for allowing the supply of money to flow into housing relatively unabated. People watched "Flip this house" on HGTV and got excited. They bought up every shack in California, installed granite countertops and sold it for 150K profit to the next sucker. It was a wonderful ponzi scheme unless you were the last one in. Now, the government is trying to pick up these idiots' tabs.
You guys should like Bush more than you do, he is the most Democrat-like president we have had well, since his daddy. It's not a political thing. George Bush appointed Greenspan and Clinton re-appointed him.
Commodities run in cycles. Investment guy Jim Rogers points out 17 year cycles. He predicted the start of a boom in 2000. You could argue that that our need for a bubble to keep the economy growing is moving out of housing and into commodities. BTW, a lot of people think the dollar will continue to fall another 10-20% before it is backstopped, so you might as well prepare for it. Look at the ticker symbol UDN, USO,UNG, GLD,SLV, DBA,& RJA if you feel commodities will continue on their run. But the commodity bubble might pop too, then we're probably back to an equity bubble. Just don't be the guy left holding the bag.
Methinks many, many libs are going to become disenchanted when they finally get their people in office and realize so little that affects their daily life has changed.
The same booming economy that we had in the late 90's that many libs love to cite was an equity bubble. President Clinton slipped out just a few months before it popped and Bush inherited it. This bubble was allowed to move into housing and got worse. Most blame Mr. Greenspan for allowing the supply of money to flow into housing relatively unabated. People watched "Flip this house" on HGTV and got excited. They bought up every shack in California, installed granite countertops and sold it for 150K profit to the next sucker. It was a wonderful ponzi scheme unless you were the last one in. Now, the government is trying to pick up these idiots' tabs.
You guys should like Bush more than you do, he is the most Democrat-like president we have had well, since his daddy. It's not a political thing. George Bush appointed Greenspan and Clinton re-appointed him.
Commodities run in cycles. Investment guy Jim Rogers points out 17 year cycles. He predicted the start of a boom in 2000. You could argue that that our need for a bubble to keep the economy growing is moving out of housing and into commodities. BTW, a lot of people think the dollar will continue to fall another 10-20% before it is backstopped, so you might as well prepare for it. Look at the ticker symbol UDN, USO,UNG, GLD,SLV, DBA,& RJA if you feel commodities will continue on their run. But the commodity bubble might pop too, then we're probably back to an equity bubble. Just don't be the guy left holding the bag.
Methinks many, many libs are going to become disenchanted when they finally get their people in office and realize so little that affects their daily life has changed.
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