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Saddan had no link to Al Qaeda, report censored

Doug, I don't know where it is but someone sent me pictures of the Pentagon with all traces of a crashed plane removed and "had evidence" that Bush had a military plane fire a missile into the Pentagon. I'm sure that there are many people that believe that, maybe even you. There are also a lot of people that say the Holocaust never happened, I not only have seen a lot of evidence that it did happen, and I remember when I was a kid, I knew this guy that had liberated one of the camps, I can still remember his graphic comments.

Most people will admit that Bush or whoever doesn't seem to have executed the war too well, but I imagine that had we had CNN on every street corner in Korea or Germany, those wars would have been a lot different too.

Since you seem to be able to find all the facts about things in Google, why not look up which party took us to wars in the past and how many Americans died in those wars.
Just for Doug

Here is the ending quote from a black writer for the NY Sun. His column basic says that Obama is far left of Hilary and that the media isn't really pointing this out, but this statement from the Bible caught my attention, and since Doug, verifies and is into this type of stuff, I figured that he had a comment on it. Personally, I don't know, but I agree that Obama is really socialistic with his bigger government, higher taxes agenda. Time will tell of course.

According to The Book of Revelations the anti-christ is:

The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will
deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like
appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will
promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy
Hey Bill,

As a Christian and student of the Bible, I can assure you that Revelations is not that specific as to the Anti-Christ. Whoever wrote that has probably been watching or reading the Christian series "Left Behind" (which is based on the Bible, but purely fictional).

Every generation since Christ has believed they were living in the "end times" and that the Anti-Christ was among them. Besides we all know Obama can't be the Anti-Christ, because George Bush is the Anti-Christ! ;)


According to The Book of Revelations the anti-christ is:

The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will
deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like
appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will
promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy
Well, of course, I should have dug out my parent's Bible and looked it up myself and I apologize for not doing it, but since, most of the posts in this thread are BS. I think that I didn't do too bad.
Your absolutley right...I would vote for him again in that senario. But I will most diff vote for Mccain. My reason is simple..I want someone that actually cares for this country. If I have the chance to vote for a man who served and fought for this country....I will. Theres my can of worms!!!

But you had a chance to vote for one John Kerry, who served in Viet Nam, but instead voted for a guy who's daddy got him a way out?

Your ideals and your politics don't seem to be in step!

The National Guard used to be a way out of foreign deployment, but the guy that took advantage of that fact has now reversed it so that it's a guarantee you will be deployed.

I consider myself a Republican (who had to vote for Kerry), but what this President has done to our Economy, World Prestige, our Military etc, etc, etc is inexcusable to me. I think that in 20 years we will look at this as a major turning point just as we could look at the Industrial Revolution, Isolationism, and the Cold War as major turning points that define where we've gone. I can only hope that we elect someone willing to tackle RADICAL policy shifts, so that we don't spend the next 40 years trying to get back on path.
Your a republican who voted for Kerry..............and my political stand isn't in step. I think I have a firmer grip on were I stand than you think. Sick of all the blame game crap. We all know the economy is in trouble, we all know the war in Iraq is coming at a cost more than we expected. Everybody talks about how Bush screwed everything up....ok we get it...lets move on. I picked up my little brother from the airport the other day from his tour in Iraq....with horror stories from being on convoys and sleeping in holes they dug...and he doesnt like the fact that we are there...but you know what....not one time did he blame Bush are bitch about being over there. Hes past that and if theres one person I know who actually has the right to bitch about it, its my little brother. We better have record turn out at the polls.....if not we're nothing but a bunch of mouners.
Doug, I don't know where it is but someone sent me pictures of the Pentagon with all traces of a crashed plane removed and "had evidence" that Bush had a military plane fire a missile into the Pentagon. I'm sure that there are many people that believe that, maybe even you. There are also a lot of people that say the Holocaust never happened, I not only have seen a lot of evidence that it did happen, and I remember when I was a kid, I knew this guy that had liberated one of the camps, I can still remember his graphic comments.

Most people will admit that Bush or whoever doesn't seem to have executed the war too well, but I imagine that had we had CNN on every street corner in Korea or Germany, those wars would have been a lot different too.

Since you seem to be able to find all the facts about things in Google, why not look up which party took us to wars in the past and how many Americans died in those wars.

I saw the video, it was called "pentagon strike" out about 3-4 years ago. It was actually done not as a real documentray, but as a demonstration video on software that got out and turned into a "cult" video for 911 conspiracy theiorist. It had some interesting points as did at lot of "what went wrong" during 911. It hard to believe that our government was either that incompentant or that involved?

As far was what wars which part took us into.... starting backwards... FDR signed 1 declaration of war againt Japan, December 8th 1941, Germany declared war on the US the following day. I think we lost nearly 300,000 US, very few civilians US. FDR was a Democrat. Prior to that Abe Lincoln sent troops againt the South in the US civil war 1861, he was the first Republican President. We lost over 600,000 US and untold citizens. Before that we had a few "declared wars", 1814 with England when the burned down DC (where we got the Star Spangled banner song from), The Spanish American War (My great Grandfather lost his leg in that one riding with the "rough riders"). The first US war declared was againt LIBIA under Thomas Jefferson who was a DEMOCRATIC REPUBLICAN I THINK in the war againt the Corsairs in North Africa. No other "conflict" have been "wars" since 1941 in the US! Bosnia (Clinton), Granada (Reagan), Iraq (Bush 41), Veitnam (Nixion, LBJ, JFK, EIsenhour, Truman), Korea (Eisenhour, Truman,JFK,LBJ,NIXION,Carter,Ford,Reagan,Bush41,Clinton,Bush43)..... who did what?
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Hey Bill,

As a Christian and student of the Bible, I can assure you that Revelations is not that specific as to the Anti-Christ. Whoever wrote that has probably been watching or reading the Christian series "Left Behind" (which is based on the Bible, but purely fictional).

Every generation since Christ has believed they were living in the "end times" and that the Anti-Christ was among them. Besides we all know Obama can't be the Anti-Christ, because George Bush is the Anti-Christ! ;)


According to The Book of Revelations the anti-christ is:

The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will
deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like
appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will
promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy

as can I assure you, Revalations never mentions the word "Anti-Christ" in the entire book! The term or word is mentioned in 1 John. Second. The book of Revalations itself is a book of "hope" that starts written to the 7 churches spred out along what is now modern Turkey. It is ment to point out to them their flaws. It then warns them of things to come "in the near future". It parralls the book of Daniel chapter 7.

If you read both Daniel and revelation and then read history of the fall of Jerusleum in 77 AD you get a better understanding of what was happening. Jesus was Hebrew, a Deutromic Jew as most at that time were (actuall Jesus might have been for another sect of jews but I won't go their now)
John wrote the book of Revelation while in Exile on a Greek Island (I think it was Pathos) in the year 94 AD about 20 years after the destruction of Jerusalem (the final destruction of the Temple). Once the Temple was destroyed in 77 AD by Rome all Hebrew practice of Deuteronomic faith ceased (the sacrifice of animals in the Temple). There were no "Christians" yet only followers of the Disciples, James (Jesus brother, the first leader of the faith). So John was writing to these followers, former Deuteronomic Jews and Arabs, "gentiles" (non Jews) in a PROSE STYLE KNOWN to early authors in Hebrew called Apocalyptic (presenting vivid pictures).

What most people who have never studied the Bible do not under stand is that it was a collection of many works in three major languages by mostly unknown authors (although some are known). Several books have several authors. Another interesting fact that always clouds Revelations to people who don't understand the history is that Hebrew and Greek written language doesn't contain NUMBERS..... they only have letters and that EVERY NAME or WORD has a numeric SUM based on a value associated with a letter. For example in Revelations it states "and his number is 666" is a numeric sum of a name. Christ sum number is equal to the name "FISH" in Aramaic and also the total number of fish caught in the net cast in the Sea of Galilee mentioned in the Gospel.

Besides this..... Islam was still 600 years away! John wrote "in the near future" in Revelations. It had to do with the new followers staying focused on this "Christ" while they were being persecuted (James, Christ brother was murdered when he was thrown down a flight of stairs) as were most other Disciples hunted (most notable by SAUL who changed his name to PAUL after becoming blind on the road to Damacus).

Revelation is not a "big secret" of a book. It is complicated now because we are 2000 years removed from the events, writing styles, prophesy and language. But like so many other things on the net.... it gets passed on that "Muslims" are coming on a cloud as the Anti-Christ to kill us.... "it says so in Revelations"! Nonsense. Revelations is the FINAL CHAPTER IN THE BIBLE BECAUSE IT IS A BOOK OF HOPE! I don't care who is the Anti-Christ.... if it is Hillary Clinton, Osama Bin Laden or George Forman... Faith says (if you believe firmly in your faith) that you will come out of it ok, everything will be fine. That is what Revelations is all about.... not Muslims.
Hey Bill,

According to The Book of Revelations the anti-christ is:

The anti-christ will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent, who will
deceive the nations with persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like
appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will
promise false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy

I see where this came from! It's ment to point out that Barak Obama is the Anti-Christ! Wow.... Those right wing idiots have got to get a life! Do any of them know how to READ THE BIBLE THAT THEY WANT TO SHOVE DOWN EVERYONES THROAT?
Funny.... Didn't Barak Obama write a book called "the audacity of Hope"? That must prove that he's the Anti-Christ.... he's against Hope.... and that what Revelation was about, Hope..... wait... isn't Barak's message about hope? Well now that's confusing.
Actually, Doug, I too knew it was BS without reading Revelations, but I knew that you would make everything right. The only one trying to shove anything down any one's throat is you Doug, but occasionally you are right and we want that and wait for it. Just for the record, I'm a capitalist, not a conservative in too many things and pretty liberal in some things. I think the religious extremist have about destroyed the Republican party, but that too is starting to change. I just don't give a crap about things that I have no control over whatsoever and don't directly effect me. Even if they do effect me, I realize that I need to figure out a way to survive it, not run around blaming someone or bitching. If I don't like it, I can always pack up and leave. Once a politician, I think that it was a Republican, but it could have been the other, asked me for a contribution. I told him that when I needed him that I would come to his office with an envelope full of small unmarked bills. You can't believe how quickly he left.