Something to consider, if the Phase II finds anything adverse, it must be reported to the authorities by the inspector. And the owner is legally responsible to take any actions to fix the adverse findings - whether they sell or keep the property. This could end up costing the current owner $$$$ if something is found, and the buyer can walk. Its a don't know, no issue situation, but once the issues are known, they must be correctedWill a self serve car wash pass a Phase 2 Environmental study? Also, there was a dry cleaner on the next lot for a year or so. Having a hard time deciding whether to do it or not. The Buyers bank is requiring it.
I’m keeping my washes and still have plenty of time to fishI’m at the point where I can go fishing anytime I want and have the $$$ in the bank. That’s just me though.
Seems odd, why would you need an Environmental Impact Study for an existing car wash? Are they concerned the oil separator pits are leaking? Are your bays connected to the sewer system?This just keeps getting stranger. My broker tells me the buyers request I get an environmental impact study. Cost is 3 to 5 thousand. I’m normally a calm person but the pressure keeps building. Would love to smack someone. Any ideas?