“I currently have a 7 year old Oasis…..thinking about adding a second Oasis…”
“Why should I add a Typhoon versus a Karcher (or vice versa) for the second iba.”
Regardless of make, model or process, operators typically add a second in-bay to an existing wash when the risk of generating sufficient sales can be mitigated.
Moreover, the current wash unit is approaching the end of its useful expected life. So, in addition to capital investment for a second unit, you might as well figure in the expense of reloading the existing bay.
“….having two different iba's would hurt instead of help my business (?)”
If you don’t generate sufficient sales, the results from adding the second in-bay could be catastrophic.
“What are your experiences of having two different touchless ibas in the same wash?”
Most of the operators I know with dual in-bays (all built new) have had good experiences because they have sufficient volume.
Since you already have the electricity & water capacity to feed a hog like the Typhoon, you may want to consider reload with inexpensive inverted-L for trucks and add friction/hybrid as second unit.
Or you might consider building extension and adopt in-bay express format so you can have touch-less and friction and combination in one bay and there is no need for two in-bays.
In other words, I would approach this as if you were building new.
Decision one is should I build. Answer comes from sales assessment.
Decision two is what store characteristics to choose (i.e. process, services). Answer comes from share or customer segment models (i.e. customer survey).