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Stained shoes from foam brush


Well-known member
Had a customer leave me a voice mall tonight stating our tri color foam brush apparently stained his $175 ecco leather shoes he also says he tried using the spray gun to wash them off afterwards only to make it worse lastly he asks if we have insurance to cover this, has anybody had this happen at your wash? I want to say that his ignorance walking through puddles of colored soap with expensive shoes is not my fault then using a spray gun with 1200 psi of water pressure to try to wash them off really???, what are your thoughts.
Had a customer leave me a voice mall tonight stating our tri color foam brush apparently stained his $175 ecco leather shoes he also says he tried using the spray gun to wash them off afterwards only to make it worse lastly he asks if we have insurance to cover this, has anybody had this happen at your wash? I want to say that his ignorance walking through puddles of colored soap with expensive shoes is not my fault then using a spray gun with 1200 psi of water pressure to try to wash them off really???, what are your thoughts.

Give him $2.95 to go to Walmart to buy a bottle of Polish.
When I get a BS call like that I usually don't return it. Often, I never hear from them again. I feel he is just fishing. If he calls a second time, deal with it then.
When I get a BS call like that I usually don't return it. Often, I never hear from them again. I feel he is just fishing. If he calls a second time, deal with it then.

This is usually what I do as well. Clearly he isn't that smart, otherwise he would know that you probably wouldn't turn a 175 dollar pair of shoes into your insurance...
Or wear an expensive pair of shoes when you are going to a wet environment, like a car wash.

Like the guy who called and said my garage door came down on top of his vehicle. His phone cut out so I didn't get his full phone number and he has yet to call back again. In watching the video, the guy clearly stops under the door, gets out. He then pushes the manual overide close button.
I'm totally with you all on this being the customer's fault, and he should have known better.

However, I'm not a big fan that we color our soaps/polishes these days. I know why it is done, but it causes the inconvenience of the occasional stained car, shirt, shoe, wall, equipment, whatever.

I'm a huge fan of the scents, but I wish the industry never got into coloring the chemicals.

I think there have been tremendous advances in the performance of chemicals, and the application as well - but the colors always just bugged me, as they can occasionally cause issues.

Just had to vent.
Well I'm a little contrary on this. We used to sell a nice scented cherry foam brush soap. Note the word "used to". Every place we sold it to had someone stain cloths or something with it.
He just sent me this picture of his shoe after he apparently tried to wash it off making it worse he said. Well when you have the nozzle 3 inches from your shoe with the trigger pulled you will make things worse. like washnshine said "he should of know better" I don't where expensive clothing or shoes in a wet environment, I have gotten white lithium grease on my black coat before and it still hasn't come off due to my carelessness I ruined my coat not the company that provided the grease to me.

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When I get a BS call like that I usually don't return it. Often, I never hear from them again. I feel he is just fishing. If he calls a second time, deal with it then.[/QUOTE
Ya, I love colored chems, but sometimes a problem.. Maybe he will go away.. LOL..
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Sometimes I quote lines from movies to describe customers like for instance from the movie What's eating Gilbert Grape "Match in the Gas Tank BOOM BOOM!"
If he had contacted you immediately, I'd say he might have a case. But he took the solution out of your hands and into his by high pressure washing his shoes - it is now 100% his problem.

btw, if you look back at some of the older posts about FB staining, consensus is that it generally fades or is not a problem.
If he had contacted you immediately, I'd say he might have a case. But he took the solution out of your hands and into his by high pressure washing his shoes - it is now 100% his problem.

btw, if you look back at some of the older posts about FB staining, consensus is that it generally fades or is not a problem.

I wear Ecco's for my work boots. Yes they are pricey but my feet don't hurt anymore (not any higher than redwing boots either). I have had trifoam, foam brush, wax, you name it, on these boots and it always went away. It may take a little time and sun light but it went away.

That customers shoes look like they might have a "couple miles" on them even before this incident.

They shouldn't be wearing hundred+ dollar shoes to wash their car but.. I will only ever use white foam in the hand bay period. Customers have told me never change it they come here cause it's white. I don't need stains on my clothes and neither do customers. Even if it goes away in a few months. White is the same thing as colored but brilliant white and no staining.
The more I think about this I see it as symptomatic of society's ills - not wanting to take responsibility for one's own actions.

1. You wore your expensive shoes to wash your car and something happened to them and it someone else's fault?

2. You got the foam brush soap on your shoes and it's some one else's fault.

3. You used more car wash equipment and solutions to wash your shoes and it's someone else's fault.
Agree with Earl 100%. The society is pathetic. Everything is someone else's fault. It is what is being taught everywhere you turn. Just look around; no one takes responsibility for their actions.
The more I think about this I see it as symptomatic of society's ills - not wanting to take responsibility for one's own actions.

1. You wore your expensive shoes to wash your car and something happened to them and it someone else's fault?

2. You got the foam brush soap on your shoes and it's some one else's fault.

3. You used more car wash equipment and solutions to wash your shoes and it's someone else's fault.
Thanks Earl.. You hit the nail on the head..