For all you financial gurus out there, I'm in need of some advice on two different tax questions. I feel like I'm wandering around the desert looking for the oasis. The first is the accelerated tax break for buying things before the end of this year. I've heard about this in ads and announcements, but have not been directed to a specific law that says how it works. Have heard that you have to take possession by year's end, but does it have to be operational as well? Second question concerns the LEEDS program that shows you love the environment, trees, fish, and teddy bears. Besides a nice certificate you can hang on the wall there are susposed to be tax credits or refunds available. Why make a financial investment to be "greener" if there are no financial rewards? I have read this in many releases and articles, and even talked to people at my state level, and yet not one of them can cite the friggin law that allows it. (If you want to see how your tax dollars are truly wasted call one of these agencies and try to get information you can use.) Any help on these will be greatly appreciated. Why, I'll even get you a nice certificate you can hang on your wall. Just kidding.