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The $13 Trillion Debacle that We Are All Paying For


Active member
Aug 28, 2007
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Tri-Cities, WA
Our national debt changes by the second, but as of this writing, the latest number is: $13,737,000,000,000. That’s $13.7 Trillion dollars folks.

If you charged Americans for the national debt, each citizen would have to shell out $44,200. If you just asked taxpayers to pay it, that tab would climb to $124,000 per person.

At this pace in just five years our national debt will be more than $17 Trillion! That’s over $53,000 per each citizen! Or $153,000 per taxpayer!

But that’s not close to the real deficit. The REALLY scary debt numbers are the ones that are NOT counted.

You see, most people have no idea what the U.S. government owes on “unfunded obligations.” That’s government-talk for entitlement programs like Medicare, Social Security – the programs that no politician wants to do away with.

As it stands right now, Social Security costs $14,663,000,000,000. Medicaid creates $19,400,000,000,000 in more debt. Medicare is the worst offender at $77,147,000,000,000.

Add it all up, and the total unfunded obligations sit at $111.2 Trillion bucks! That’s more than 755% MORE than the “national debt!”

Or in short, that’s over $1 million per tax payer!

That means that if every tax payer in U.S. forked over a million bucks, we would just be at BREAKEVEN. Since these programs are set to automatically grow, we’d be getting right back in the hole again.

By the way, if you don’t believe me, you can go to the National Debt Clock website and see for yourself. But I warn you don’t go there if you have a weak stomach.

Greg Pack

Wash Weenie
Sep 3, 2007
Reaction score
Hoover, Alabama
. The math just doesn't work and we are going to have to eventually face the music. When, I don't know. Maybe three years, maybe ten years. We can either default on the debt, or inflate our way out of it. Neither is going to be pleasant to try to make a living in that period of time

Austerity measures would slow the bleed, but that would be too politically painful for those in office. Talk about an election bloodbath- imagine the impact on the party that grows a set and tells granny her social security is gonna have to be cut.

debt clock has also added a State debt clock, so you can see your share of the debt on a State level.
