Most scientists do not see a doomed future. They stress control of the situation to avoid the warming getting worse.It seems to all boil down to (good choice of words) to whom you will believe? One side uses this 'crisis' as a means to control everyones lives and only sells a bleak future. The other side advocates no change or control of people's lives. I think I may put my money on the folks that do not see a doomed future of being straight jacketed as we eventually skid to our grave. Americans have historically believed in a better tomorrow and have worked towards that goal. Sellers of death and despair have never prospered other than amongst their own self-hating groups. The global warming advocates better find a happy ending or there will not be much of an audience for their cocktail party cause.
BTW, no one knows if the earth is heating or cooling, or if this heating or cooling is bad, or if this has been caused by man, or if man can ever reverse it regardless of his involvement in the cause. It is all just a theory. Some choose to believe the theory of Creation and some choose to believe the theory of Evolution. Who has been able to prove the truth of either to the other side?
Sellers of death and despair have prospered. See the Christian faith.
Yes, we do know the earth is warming. We have thermometers. It is not a theory but a fact.