After reading the above posts all I can say is "WOW". Here in Canada we have a different view on our customers as do they to us business owners. We take all Mudders, Oil, Grease, etc. And the funny thing is, WE clean up after them. That would be the day when I put up a sign that says "LEAVE THE BAY CLEAN". We have attendants that clean the bay after every wash, its something that the customers expect. I always wondered how you guys kept your bays clean without having an attendant....your customer is the attendant! Great concept, but would never fly here.
Up here I beleive that our .85/min is a lot higher than most of yours. This gives us the luxury of having attendants, and being able to keep up with the waste disposal that gets left in our bays.
Of course we get those customers that are very hard to please. My solution to the problem is to always work WITH them. The last thing I want is for that customer to go and tell all their friends that I messed up the paint on their vehicle. Now this does'nt mean that I'm going to pay for a paint job. I will do whatever I can to make sure that customer does not leave my business MAD. Even if I know I'm right and she's wrong really is not the issue. I would gladly give out some kind of gift card to help smooth it over, and try to explain how washing with a garden hose would peel her paint (in a nice way).
Start by approaching the customer with trust. While our first reaction might be that she is simply trying to get a new paint job out of us. Well maybe in her eyes its as simple as, card dirty = wash car = paint peeled = car wash must have done it!
Through the years I have come upon many situations like these. You would be suprised at how many angry customers turn into life long customers from simply showing them that you do care...even when they are wrong.
Well, what about the customers that are always ignorant to staff, always bitching and complaining? Thats a different story. These are the customers that we NEED to dump. Not, wish I could dump, or want to dump, but NEED to dump. My staff are trained on how to deal with complaints to ensure that the customer returns, but if it is an ongoing problem with a customer....we break their heart. We actually encourage them to wash at our competition. These are the ones that bring down employee morale, are NEVER satisfied, enjoy causing a scene while our customers and employees are observing.
To sum it up...give the customer the beneift of the doubt before you jump to conclutions and dump them.