I have been toying with the idea of raising my SS price(actually cutting the time). I am currently at $2 for 4 minutes to start. Thinking about $2 for 3:30 to start and $3 for 5 minutes minimum with CC.
A little background. I have a 5 bay SS with an IBA. Everything works properly. Tire Cleaner, Engine Degreaser, Foam Brush, Spot Free, HP Wax, HP Soap, Pre Soak, HP Rinse. If I ever have an issue it is dealt with in a quick fashion, and I don't let unsatisfied customers leave without a sense of satisfaction.
I have spent the first 2 1/2 years of my ownership dealing with a lot of deferred maintenance. I have made a lot of upgrades. Cryptopay on all bays, 2 vacs. New meter doors. I keep everything clean and well maintained as I live a mile from the site.
For 16 years this wash has been at $2 for 4minutes to start. As I mentioned above, thinking about $2 for 3:30 to start, and $3 for 5 minute minimum with CC. My only competition is 3 miles away. They operate from a distance. I checked out their wash yesterday and it is $2 for 5:30 to start. They don't have pre soak(didn't work), Spot free, HP wax(didn't work). Only functions that worked were HP rinse, HP soap, FB(very poor show, all air), tri foam, and tire cleaner. They have an M5 that doesn't accept CC(broken).
Would you cut time? Thanks for your advice!
I have been toying with the idea of raising my SS price(actually cutting the time). I am currently at $2 for 4 minutes to start. Thinking about $2 for 3:30 to start and $3 for 5 minutes minimum with CC.
A little background. I have a 5 bay SS with an IBA. Everything works properly. Tire Cleaner, Engine Degreaser, Foam Brush, Spot Free, HP Wax, HP Soap, Pre Soak, HP Rinse. If I ever have an issue it is dealt with in a quick fashion, and I don't let unsatisfied customers leave without a sense of satisfaction.
I have spent the first 2 1/2 years of my ownership dealing with a lot of deferred maintenance. I have made a lot of upgrades. Cryptopay on all bays, 2 vacs. New meter doors. I keep everything clean and well maintained as I live a mile from the site.
For 16 years this wash has been at $2 for 4minutes to start. As I mentioned above, thinking about $2 for 3:30 to start, and $3 for 5 minute minimum with CC. My only competition is 3 miles away. They operate from a distance. I checked out their wash yesterday and it is $2 for 5:30 to start. They don't have pre soak(didn't work), Spot free, HP wax(didn't work). Only functions that worked were HP rinse, HP soap, FB(very poor show, all air), tri foam, and tire cleaner. They have an M5 that doesn't accept CC(broken).
Would you cut time? Thanks for your advice!