TV Ads on 22" Monitors On Gasoline Pumps...Your Opinion On This Type of Advertising?
Salesman comes into my office and is promoting something I have to admit after thinking about it a while, I think is a GREAT idea! I liked advertising my business on 30 second TV spots but HATED the cost and the fact that the TV ads were so far-reaching (well beyond my target radius), and I felt my lone carwash didn't need such wide-reaching exposure hence my overpaying for such a wide span of advertising coverage for what I really needed.
This "new thing", at least in our fair city is what this man calls, "point-of-purchase" HD TV. Basically, these are 22" TV screens set on top of gasoline pumps and so basically when customers are filling up their gas tanks they are indeed a 'captive audience' and then you're able now to bombard them w/ TV advertisements where before, I even admit while pumping gas I usually read anything and everything on the pump from the octane rating's details to whatever small ad is on the pump handle. (15 seconds to 30 seconds ads continuously looping in a ten-minute reel)
My question is: Do you think this is a good form of advertising for us? Have you seen this done in other cities? Is the volume loud enough for the ad to be heard? Or is this obnoxious and almost makes you want to pump your gas at a convenience store which DOES NOT have POP TV or do you think this is part of the future in advertising and a great deal to purchase ads on! The thing I like about it is the cost and then the fact that I can choose gas stations to advertise from which are close to my carwash. I also like how the audience is truly "captive" unlike TV where through a DVR you can forward through the commercials or take a bathroom or snack break while commercials are a gas pump you're stuck there and have to listen/see the commercials blaring at you from atop the gas pump. Just wondering if any of you have seen this form of advertising yet at any gas stations and what you thought of it since this is so new here and I've not yet seen it in action. Thanks. - Carl
Salesman comes into my office and is promoting something I have to admit after thinking about it a while, I think is a GREAT idea! I liked advertising my business on 30 second TV spots but HATED the cost and the fact that the TV ads were so far-reaching (well beyond my target radius), and I felt my lone carwash didn't need such wide-reaching exposure hence my overpaying for such a wide span of advertising coverage for what I really needed.
This "new thing", at least in our fair city is what this man calls, "point-of-purchase" HD TV. Basically, these are 22" TV screens set on top of gasoline pumps and so basically when customers are filling up their gas tanks they are indeed a 'captive audience' and then you're able now to bombard them w/ TV advertisements where before, I even admit while pumping gas I usually read anything and everything on the pump from the octane rating's details to whatever small ad is on the pump handle. (15 seconds to 30 seconds ads continuously looping in a ten-minute reel)
My question is: Do you think this is a good form of advertising for us? Have you seen this done in other cities? Is the volume loud enough for the ad to be heard? Or is this obnoxious and almost makes you want to pump your gas at a convenience store which DOES NOT have POP TV or do you think this is part of the future in advertising and a great deal to purchase ads on! The thing I like about it is the cost and then the fact that I can choose gas stations to advertise from which are close to my carwash. I also like how the audience is truly "captive" unlike TV where through a DVR you can forward through the commercials or take a bathroom or snack break while commercials are a gas pump you're stuck there and have to listen/see the commercials blaring at you from atop the gas pump. Just wondering if any of you have seen this form of advertising yet at any gas stations and what you thought of it since this is so new here and I've not yet seen it in action. Thanks. - Carl