Watch for
- door hang ups - stuck up or down or in between
- customers driving through the door when they forget to put their car in park at the pay station. Having a camera so you can capture these will be helpful.
- People thinking your closed
- In bay temperatures- you might need to adjust floor heat to account for a better winterization envelope, save some on your gas bill
- Consider insulating attic if not already
- Spare parts or a plan to get and keep door in open position until repairs can be complete
Door type might help specific watch outs be identified.
Thanks for your insights. I'm already loving not having icicles hanging off the equipment. Instruction signage has been ordered - time will tell how that works out.
I had my first drive-through in 30 yrs. last Feb. Customer was able to get back in and hit gas peddle instead of brake. Foot came off the peddle after car jumped culvert and it finally came to a stop across a usually busy two lane road. Fortunately, it was a Sunday evening. Exit
door and car were both totaled. Driven had a few cuts, but it could have a disaster.