Could that be a .014?, which is 120 to1 or 1:120 Guessing you are using hydrominders and hose metering tips so you can find those ratios from dultmeier, kleenrite, or Tommy's catalogs or websites.
First you need to know the dilution ratio for your soap, then you need to zero in on the metering tip. There are many variables that can affect the final product. Air pressure, water hardness, etc.. Kleen-Rite has a good overview of how to use their in-house soap that is attached below. (which I don't recommend purchasing, btw)
Search a ratio chart for your hydrominder model. If it is a self serve it is likely a 506 or 511. Ratios with the screw in tips vary from 4:1 to 240:1. This is a rough guideline only as mentioned as there are several variables. The biggest one is the viscosity of the product. For example you may have to use a tip that would draw water at 48:1 to get a true 100:1 ratio with a soap because of the product's thickness. Find a rough starting point and work in the chart direction towards the desired performance (color, visual appeal, strength) of your product.