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Update on other self serve prices and time

Last year I changed my pricing from $2.00 to $3.00/4min at one location and $2.00 to $2.50/4 min at the other. Not one complaint and only an increase in revenue. I wish I would have done it sooner. If you have not done so yet, you need to add cryptopay or some other credit card acceptance to your bays. my average credit card charge in the bays is $6.25. Credit cards now account for 30% of my in-bay sales. I cant think of anything else that increases profit that much.
Thanks everyone for the info! I'm due for a price increase, (why I searched for this thread) and realized I probably still wasn't going up enough. Currently at $2/4min was thinking about $3/5min but perhaps I should go to $3 but stay at 4min? I use dollar token but still accept quarters and CC's in bays. Have all the goods (SF, TF, PreSoak, Tire, sealant/wax) no dryers yet but I'm prepped and ready for them hopefully this summer. My site is 7 out of 10, it was a 2/10, if that, when I bought it 3 years ago. Not much competition around me but not that big of a town/trade area either all in the surrounding areas are same price, I'd say I'm a little better and the customers I speak with confirm this. In Washington State. Water costs increase about 3%/year. Costs to clean out the pits have nearly doubled from $1200 to $2K but hey my natural gas went down .002% this year so that saved me ~ $2/month :D

My other thought to go along with the price increase was to give bonus tokens 11/$10, 22/$20, I believe it is, at the changer....? I would really like to count less one dollar bills and more $10's/$20's.

Maybe $3/4:30 would be a good increase for now? (I'm same CC or cash) any input or am I overthinking it? :rolleyes:
Just remodeled a 30 year old wash
New Everything
Started at $2 4min only had few complaints of start up price
Then my theory was everyone has a dollar so changed to $1 2min
Others In area are at $1.25 for 4:30
And the ding dong down the street is $1.50 5min

I was more of a fan of the $2 4min
But hate to change price again
I'm In central ohio
I think our own areas prices are to low but very one is cutthroat instead of working together
Yep, everyone has a quarter too. How about you change to 25cent start for 30 seconds. Problem I see with low start is you get more mess and a lot less $. I'm $3 for 4 minutes, here in Cincinnati. I believe I'm one of the highest, and that's ok. At least I get $3 minimum for a messy bay instead of your $1. I'm ok washing fewer cars at a higher price.

FYI...my auto is $8, 10, 11 and 13.
I'm an advocate for the higher start-up. One reason is the same as Chaz. Another reason is that you actually go backwards a bit, when you figure that you will lose a $ on every customer that buys just one cycle. You will have to gain a few customers just to make up for that. Usually when I see operators lowering prices, they are circling the drain and just grasping at straws, and seldom does it help them.
Yep... $1 for 4 min in vac for sure. I'm struggling how best to raise vac price. Thinking $1 for 3 min now and then go $2 for 5 min in a year or so? I accept quarters, Bills and dollar coins but only dispense $coins, so I'd rather stay in the even dollar pricing structure
I went to $1 / 3 minutes for vacuums on Jan 1, 2015.
I saw a 16% vacuum revenue increase over 2014's numbers.
I agree
Most of my customers spend 3 to five bucks anyways
Just got a little discouraged at people driving off.
Now they think it's only a $1 but can't comprehend 60% retired folks that it's the same time and end up still putting 3 bucks In?
I would rather put more money In to start an not have to watch the time but peoe are cheap
I've been open for 3 months now
1st mo th $2
2nd /3rd month $1
How do I make a smooth transition
Was thinking just say it was the grass opening special
Auto is a 4000 that I bought aND completely redid
3x foam
Hot water
Virtual attending and treadle
All stainless
Was a little work but not to bad and fun learning had a good friend who's worked for a company
Help me refurbished it
Shoved it into a 10 high 27 foot bay
7 foot clearance and washes all but full bed king cab
Works well
At our gated POP wash, it is $8 for bay or automatic wash / vac / towel dry / scent machine. Use is all as much as you want.
If you have the Best of EVERYTHING at your wash.. CC. Bills, Powerful Vacs, Air Dry, Attendant, Great Lighting on and on .. you are his competitor.. Don't worry about him or her.. Provide the Best and Charge for it, and you will be very successful.. Remember.. You are the Competition..
Don't Blink.. I have competition the same as you, and I charge $3/4 minutes (going to $4/5 minutes soon) bays.. and $3/5 minutes vacs.. If your competition is charging that low of a price, he must be a stupid (sorry to say that) operator and his facility is probably way below Par.. and Par in the SS business is not good.. LOL..The SS business in the public eye Nationwide is not good.. too many bad operators have gave us a Black Eye.. You need to be 5 Star and not worry about the others.. People want GOOD stuff, not just cheap, out of date equipment and with low prices.. just my 3 cents..
Happy Car Washing..

I wouldn't go that far with your assumptions. My pricing is $1/4 minute with 1min for additional quarter and $0.75/3min vac since startup and have to say im very very blessed! ...and thats with competions all around 3 mile radius.
I wouldn't go that far with your assumptions. My pricing is $1/4 minute with 1min for additional quarter and $0.75/3min vac since startup and have to say im very very blessed! ...and thats with competions all around 3 mile radius.

Wow! That is very cheap. How can you cover your repairs, updates, supplies water and sewer not to motion taxes and any loans. I too am blessed, but at much higher prices. I'm ok with others around being cheaper.
Utilities are pretty cheap here - there are still washes in San Antonio that are 25¢ startup for about 40 seconds.
Posted this also on the Super Bay set up topic but it's relevant here.

what is the typical price differential from regular to super bay. 25, 50 cents or something else?
Utilities are pretty cheap here - there are still washes in San Antonio that are 25¢ startup for about 40 seconds.

I wouldnt assume utilities are cheap either. My electric bill averages $900/month. With reclaim system my bill is still $400/month. im looking into replacing all these hogs with LED but having problems with either overcharge or dont want to mess with it. Tried kits from KR but they not compatible.
If you guys are making money and happy at $1 for 4 minutes. Good for you! I'd rather fewer starts at. Higher price. More profitable and less wear and tear. But like is said....good for you, but you won't see that at My wash
If you guys are making money and happy at $1 for 4 minutes. Good for you! I'd rather fewer starts at. Higher price. More profitable and less wear and tear. But like is said....good for you, but you won't see that at My wash

That's my point. You don't go around calling others "stupid" judging by your standards nor do you criticized how others run their business. I think we have our own problems to worry about. You can offer your 3 cents worth but in more loving and charitable way. For example, I could have read your post and say by your pricing you are no good sob, cut throat owner..how can you charge so much..if i were in your area you would be crying....etc...you get the drift.
What are people at for vending? Such as air fresheners. We are still at $1.00 a piece. Thanks in advance

$1 = (2) blu-sham, (2) nu-sham, armor all prot pak, Vanilla tree, ice tree, new car tree, blue cotton towel, wet towel

$2 = 6oz ice pump air fresh, AA tire foam, AA 12oz pump spray

$5 = they get 3 items per vend- a blu- sham, headlight restore pak, headlight sealer pak

I have a max vend machine from DH. Takes qtrs., tkn, $C and bills.

I have fragramatics fresheners at $1 for 30 sec.