What if the property alone is worth more than five times gross for the wash?
You no longer have a car wash appraisal problem.
If you wish to be known as a qualified appraiser, then how can you be so quick to dismiss one of the most key and intriguing aspects of SS ownership-- the land value? Since it is considered wise to own the property your SS wash sits on, this makes an ability to appraise the land value that it sits on very, very important. Casting this aside is .... amateurish .... isn't it? Or does your expertise not extend past just your immediate market with it's factors?
In my market, I see SS washes marketed at 10x GIM several times each year. A wash near me was marketed for just under 12x and I actually offered 10x and it was a good deal. (It eventually fell through for other reasons.) All of this was based on the earning and appreciation potential of the land underlying the business. If RE is included, I would bet every SS near me would sell immediately for 5x or more.
A SS wash can provide income, pay ongoing expenses while sitting on rapidly appreciating land. During this time, it can migrate from formerly being the best and highest use to no longer being so. Only when the new best and highest use outstrips the cost of demolition and new construction does it make sense to pull the trigger on that.
I'm a licensed RE broker in multiple states, (including appraisal
training), a business opportunity specialist, a car wash owner, and I've built a multi-million dollar high tech company from scratch. All of my experiences tell me that if you dismiss land value you are missing a key step in SS valuation.